FCW S 318L
Aleaciones inoxidables Enchapado Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A 5.22: E318T0-4 - E318T0-1 Nearest |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=placage | Enchapado
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: E318T0-4 - E318T0-1 Nearest EN 12073: T 19 12 3 Nb R M 3 - T 19 12 3 Nb R C 3
Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• 19% chromium - 12% nickel - 3% molybdenum - niobium stabilised deposit
• Attractive bead appearance, easy slag release, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Maximum performances in the horizontal and downhand positions
• Can be used out of position
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
FCW S 318L is suitable for welding stabilised stainless steels with alloy content between 16 - 21% Cr, 6 -13% Ni and up to 3% Mo. It is also used for corrosion resistant weld overlays
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aceros para herramientas Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_pour_outillage | Aceros para herramientas
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T ZFe3
Tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Suitable for withstanding corrosion and metal-metal wear at high temperature up to 650ºC
• An economical alternative to stellite material
FCW DCO O is used for surfacing hot-working tools and allowed to buildup thick coatings without risk of cracking
Hardfacing hot working stamping punches, dies, extrusion pistons, mandrels, continuous casting rolls.
Abrafil CrMo1
Aceros de baja aleación |
AWS A5.28: ER80S-B2 |
ISO 21952-A: G Z CrMo1Si |
cat=up | UP
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=mig | MIG
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
AWS A5.28: ER80S-B2 ISO 21952-A: G Z CrMo1Si
Copper coated solid wire for GMAW -alloyed with Cr and Mo- for welding creep resisting steels with 1% Cr - 0.5% Mo. Resistant to high temperature up to 500-550°C. For piping systems, boilers, overheaters. Nice aspect of the weld bead.
Main applications: Petrochemical industry, chemical industry.
Steels and pipes for boiler and pressure vessels:
NF A 36-206
15D3 - 18MD4 –05 -15CD2.05 - 15 CD4.05
DIN 17155
13 CrMo 4.4 - 15CrMo3 - 13CrMoV42
DIN 1681
GS 22 CrMo5.4 – GS 22 Mo4
A537 - A299 A355 GrP11 u. P12
Heat treatable steels:
NF A 35-551
18CD4 - 16CM5
NF A 35-552
DIN 17210
FCW 414N-O
Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T Fe7 CZ DIN 8555: MF 5 GF 45 CZ
Nitrogen bearing open arc wire for cladding of continuous casting rolls
Nitrogen bearing open arc wire for cladding of continuous casting rolls.
Nitrogen-containing 13% Cr martensitic stainless steel weld deposit optimised for corrosion resistance.
The alloy has high hardness and excellent wear and galling resistance.
Ferritic-martensitic stainless steel weld deposit with excellent resistance to thermal fatigue.
The fully martensitic microstructure provides outstanding tempering resistance, wear resistance, excellent response to thermal fatigue and stress corrosion cracking.
Extensively used as a cladding alloy for rebuilding various steel mill rolls subject to repetitive thermal stresses, corrosion and metal-to-metal wear.
Typical applications include cladding of continuous caster rolls and certain rolls used in hot rolling applications, steam turbine components, valve seats, valve gates, valve wedges, safety valves etc...
Aceros austeníticos |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T Fe9
Cored wire for self shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Cored wire for self shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Austenitic deposit with excellent work hardening properties
FCW AP G produces an austenitic and non magnetic weld deposit which has excellent work hardening properties. The degree of work hardening is dependent on the amount of impact on the rebuilt component. It is used for rebuilding components exposed to high impact or heavy loads and can be used on ferritic and austenitic steels including “Hadfield” manganese steel. Deposit can be multi-layered
Examples Railroad frogs, crusher rolls, hammers, steel mill rolls and all components where a work hardening deposit is desirable.
Abral 12Si
Aleaciones de aluminio Mantenimiento y reparación |
AWS A5.3: “E4047” |
cat=alliages_d_aluminium | Aleaciones de aluminio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
AWS A5.3: “E4047” UNS: A94047 DIN 1732: EL-AlSi12 Werkstoff Nr.: 3.2585
Aluminium electrode with 12% Si
Aluminium electrode with 12% Si for welding and repairing aluminium or aluminium alloy pieces (AlSi, AlCuSiMn, AlSiMg). Specially designed for welding cast or extruded aluminium alloys with Si-levels higher than 7%. Dissimilar joints between aluminium and aluminium alloys.
Main applications: Engine blocks, cylinder heads, tanks, containers, frames, lorry tipper.
Material N°
Abratig Al995
Aleaciones de aluminio |
AWS A5.10: ~ ER1100 |
EN ISO 18273: S Al 1070 (Al99.7) |
cat=alliages_d_aluminium | Aleaciones de aluminio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=tig | TIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.10: ~ ER1100 EN ISO 18273: S Al 1070 (Al99.7)
Filler metal used for welding pure aluminium.
Applications: Food industry, boiler, cover, chemical industry
Abrafil Titane2
Aleaciones de titanio |
AWS A5.16: ERTI-2 |
ISO 24034: Ti 0120 (Ti 99.6) |
cat=alliages_de_titane | Aleaciones de titanio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.16: ERTI-2 ISO 24034: Ti 0120 (Ti 99.6) AMS: 4951
Filler metal used for welding of pure titanium Grade 2 type
FCW 350-G
Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T Fe1 350 P DIN 8555: MSG 1 GF 350 P
Tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing
Tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing.
Low alloy martensitic deposit.
FCW 350-G is used for surfacing and rebuilding parts subjected to impact and high compressive stresses.
FCW Sub 309LMo-G
Aleaciones inoxidables Aleaciones ferrítico y martensítico |
ASME IIC SFA 5.9 / AWS A 5.9: EC309LMo |
EN ISO 17633-A: T 23 12 2 L M M 3 EN ISO 17633-B: TS309LMo-MG0 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_ferritiques_et_martensitiques | Aleaciones ferrítico y martensítico
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
ASME IIC SFA 5.9 / AWS A 5.9: EC309LMo EN ISO 17633-A: T 23 12 2 L M M 3 EN ISO 17633-B: TS309LMo-MG0 Equivalent Material number: 1.4459 ASME IX Qualification: QW432 F-N° 6 QW442 A-N° 8
- Metal cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
- 24% chromium - 13% nickel - low carbon deposit
- Enhanced productivity, improved weldability, better wetting properties compared to solid wires
- Excellent weld metal quality and X-ray soundness
- Welding stainless steels of similar composition or ferritic stainless steels.
- Joining stainless steels to mild and low-alloyed steels.
- Rebuilding and buffering before cladding or hardfacing.
- Maintenance on « hard-to-weld steels ».
Dissimilar welds between stainless CrNiMo stainless steels and mild or low alloyed CMn steels, for service temperatures up to 350°C. Tube S 309LMo-G has superior resistance to dilution when compared to 309L
deposits because of its higher alloy and ferrite content. Compared to the AWS 312 weldments it benefits from an improved strength/ ductility balance.
MS 160
Acero sin alear |
AWS A 5.1: E 7024 |
EN ISO 2560: E 512 RR 160 32 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
NFA 81-309: E 512/2 RR 160 32 AWS A 5.1: E 7024 BS 639: E 5122 RR 160 32 EN ISO 2560: E 512 RR 160 32 DIN 1913: E 5122 RR 11 160
High efficiency rutile electrode (160%)
High efficiency rutile electrode (160%) - for a high deposition rate, long beads and a nice aspect of the weld seams -soft fusion and self releasing slag.
Frequently use for butt-welding plates with a heavy thickness and fillet welds.
Construction steels for general use :
NF A 35-501 : A33.A34-2.E24-2, 3. E28-2, 3. E30-2, 3. A50-2*.
DIN 17100 : St33-1.St37-2, 3.St44-2, 3*. St50-2*.
ASTM : A283grB, C, D. A570gr30,33,40.
Tube steels and ship steels:
NF A 36-205 : A37CP, A42CP, A48CP.
DIN 17155 : HI, HII, HIII, 17Mn 4.
ASTM : A414grC, D, E, F. A442gr55, 60. A514grC, D, E, F. A515gr55, 60, 65, 70. A285grC.
(*)with eventual pre- and post weld heat treatment in the case of heavy thickness.
Abrafil NiTi
Aleaciones de níquel |
AWS A5.14: ER Ni 1 |
cat=up | UP
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=mig | MIG
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
AWS A5.14: ER Ni 1 DIN 1736: SG-Ni Ti 4 EN 18274: S-NiTi3 Ni2061 Werkstoff Nr.: 2.4155
Filler metal used for welding pure Nickel grades, types : 200, Ni 201, Ni 99.2, LC-Ni99. Also used in heterogeneous welding of steel on Nickel or cupro-Nickel alloys
Applications: chemical and Power Industry, sub-assembly layer
Ni 99.2
LC Ni 99
LC Ni 99.6
Ni 99.6
Ni 99.8
Ni 99.4Fe/ Ni Mn 3AL
2.4062/ 2.4122
Ni Mn 1/ Ni Mn 5
2.4106/ 2.4116
Ni Mn 2/ Ni AL 4 Ti
2.4110/ 2.4128
Recargue Lucha contra la abrasión |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=anti_abrasion | Lucha contra la abrasión
DIN 8555 : MF 10-GF-65-GRZ EN 14700 : T Fe16
Tubular wire for self shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Tubular wire for self shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Low cost version of the FCW CNV giving almost comparable results
• High chromium cast iron for hardsurfacing components subject to extremely severe abrasive wear and moderate impact up to 600°C
FCW CV is designed to give a weld deposit of particularly high hardness and wear resistance on account of the dispersion of complex carbides it contains. This gives superior performance compared to standard chromium cast irons. Relief checking is normal.
Used for crushing, riddling, blast furnace hoppers and throats, ovens etc.
Recargue FlexCord |
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=an_other_cat | FlexCord
Hardfacing flexible cord
ABRADUR 67 is a flexible cord, designed for hard facing application by brazing method with an oxygen-acetylene torch. It contains very hard particles of spherical Tungsten carbide mixed with a Nickel matrix.
The ABRADUR 67 is designed for friction metal to metal such as scrapper of cylindrical crusher.
Abrafil 307Si
Recargue |
AWS A5.9: ~ER 307 |
cat=up | UP
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=mig | MIG
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
AWS A5.9: ~ER 307 EN 12072: W 18 8 Mn Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4370
Solid rod - filler metal for MIG welding and overlaying on manganese steel, high sulphur and phosphourus contain steels. Also used for joining dissimilar steels as construction steels to stainless steels, as well as for cushion layers prior hardfacing, for repairing of pieces submitted to shocks or wear.
W - Nr.
G - X 120 Mn 12
Aleaciones de cobre-aluminio |
AWS A5.7: ER CuNiAl |
EN ISO 14640: S Cu 6328 (CuAl9Ni5Fe3Mn2) |
cat=alliages_cupro-aluminium | Aleaciones de cobre-aluminio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.7: ER CuNiAl DIN 1733: SG CuAl8Ni6 EN ISO 14640: S Cu 6328 (CuAl9Ni5Fe3Mn2) W. Nr.: 2.0923
Desalting installations, CuNiAl ship propellers, cladding against corrosion, cladding against wear, gliding surfaces, shipbuilding, pump building, shafts, guide grooves, tube systems etc.
• The weld metal is a Cu-Al-Ni bronze
• Sound, pore free deposits on ferrous and non-ferrous base materials
• Seawater, wear and corrosion resistance; for example when seawater, cavitation and erosion are simultaneously affecting the weld deposit.
CuNiAl, CuAlNi, aluminum bronze, ship propellers, 2.0923, UNS C63000, C630AlBz, Joint welds or building up of aluminum bronze. Cladding (steel) components undergoing metal to metal wear under high pressure.
Especially suited for marine environments. The addition of nickel improves corrosion resistance in heat and rough seawater.
FCW S 309LNb
Aleaciones inoxidables |
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: E309LNbT0-4 - E309LNbT0-1 |
EN ISO 17633-A: T Z 23 12 Nb R M21 3 - T Z 23 12 Nb R C1 3 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: E309LNbT0-4 - E309LNbT0-1 EN ISO 17633-A: T Z 23 12 Nb R M21 3 - T Z 23 12 Nb R C1 3
309LNB flux cored wire
Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
23% chromium - 12% nickel - niobium stabilised - low carbon deposit
Attractive bead appearance, easy slag release and high productivity
Very resistant to moisture pick up
Maximum performance in the horizontal and downhand positions
Welded with classical economic Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
Buffering mild and low alloyed steels in AISI 347 and AISI 321 claddings
First run when welding 347 or 321 clad steels prior to completion with FCW S/V 347L
Abrafil 600
Aleaciones ferrítico y martensítico Recargue |
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=alliages_ferritiques_et_martensitiques | Aleaciones ferrítico y martensítico
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=rechargement | Recargue
DIN 8555: MSG 6 GZ-60 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4718
Solid wire designed for impact- and stroke-resistant hardfacing. Filler deposit is free of cracks, hard, impact- and abrasion- resistant. In case of hard-to-weld materials preheating or undercoat (buffer layer) is recommended.
Can be used for: crusher wheels, loader buckets parts and a final layer of manganese steels hardfacing.
Structure: martensitic
LH 882S
Aceros tenaces a frio Aceros de baja aleación |
AWS A5.5: E 8018-C1 |
cat=aciers_tenace_a_froid | Aceros tenaces a frio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
AWS A5.5: E 8018-C1 EN 499: E 46 6 2Ni B 4 2
Basic electrode for steels with high toughness
Low hydrogen basic coated electrode alloyed with Nickel for welding fine grain steels resistant to cracks at low temperature (-60°C steels with Nickel, steels for Lt.). Good characteristics of cold toughness.
Frequently used for liquid gas distribution pipes, tanks, off shore and petrochemical.
Fine grain construction steels, cold tough :
NF A 36-204 :E 420T - E460T
NF A 36-205 : A37FP - A42FP - 48FP - A52FP
NF A 36-207 : A510FP1 - A550FP2
NF A 36208 : 0.5 Ni 285 and 355 (10N2)
NF A 36208: 1.5 Ni 285 and 355 (15N6)
DIN 17102 : TsTE 255 to TsTE 420
DIN 17780 : 14Ni6 - 10Ni14 - 11MnNi5.3 - 12MnNi6.3 - 13MnNi6.3.
ASTM : A203Cr A and B - A352CrLC2 - A334Cr7 - A714Cr 1 to 6
ASTM: A707Cr L4 à L6 - A662Cr A and B.
Abratig Ni6686
AWS A 5.14: ER NiCrMo-14 |
EN ISO 18274: S Ni 6686 |
AWS A 5.14: ER NiCrMo-14 EN ISO 18274: S Ni 6686 W. Nr.: 2.4606
Filler metal for welding of duplex, super-duplex and super-austenitic stainless steels, as well as nickel alloys such as UNS N06059 and N06022, INCONEL alloy C-276, and INCONEL alloys 622, C22, 625, Alloy 31, 1.4562 and Ni6686. Also capable of being used to deposit overlays of outstanding corrosion- resistance onto a range of steels. The high alloy levels (of Cr + Mo + W) result in increased resistance to pitting, crevice and general corrosion. Ni6686 is of great value for service environments requiring general corrosion-resistance in HCI or sulfuric acid; for resistance to crevice corrosion in hot, concentrated acid chloride solutions such as sulfur dioxide saturated NaCl solutions and oxidizing chloride solutions; and for resistance to intergranular attack, and for resistance to intergranular attack, after sensitization, in highly oxidizing environments. W86026
FCW V 22 9 3L
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex |
AWS A 5.22: E2209T1-4 - E2209T1-1 |
EN ISO 17633-A : T 22 9 3 N L P M 1 - T 22 9 3 N L P C 1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_duplex_et_super_duplex | Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: E2209T1-4 - E2209T1-1 EN ISO 17633-A : T 22 9 3 N L P M 1 - T 22 9 3 N L P C 1 ASME IX Qualification: QW432 F-N° 6 / QW442 A-N° 8
Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• 22% chromium - 9% nickel - 3% molybdenum - nitrogen - low carbon duplex stainless steel deposit
• Specifically designed for out-of-position welding
• Attractive bead appearance, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Maximum productivity for completion of vertical welds
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
Welding wrought, forged or cast duplex stainless steels for service in the as-welded condition Heterogeneous welding between duplex stainless steels and other stainless and mild or low alloyed steels
FCW S 317L
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A 5.22: E317LT0-4 - E317LT0-1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: E317LT0-4 - E317LT0-1 EN 12073: T 19 13 4 N L R M 3 - T 19 13 4 N L R C 3
Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• 19% chromium - 13% nickel - 3.5% molybdenum - low carbon deposit
• Attractive bead appearance, automatic slag release, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Maximum performances in the horizontal and downhand positions
• Can be used out of position
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
FCW S 317L is suitable for welding stainless steels with an alloy content between 16 to 21% Cr, 10 to 15% Ni and up to 3% Mo, stabilised and unstabilised types where enhanced resistance to pitting and acid corrosion is required.
Abrafil Cu
Aleaciones de cobre |
AWS A5.7: ERCu |
ISO 24373: S Cu 1898 (CuSn1) |
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_cuivreux | Aleaciones de cobre
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.7: ERCu ISO 24373: S Cu 1898 (CuSn1) Werkstoff Nr.: 2.1006
Wire electrode for MIG welding of oxygen free Copper and cooper alloys. Good flow and porosity free weld seams due to the alloying with Tin. The melting temperature is relatively low and projections are minor.
If a high electrical conductivity is required use MIG CuAg.
Derustit 4020
Pickling paste transparent |
cat=Pâte_décapante_|_Pickling_paste_transparent | Pickling paste transparent
cat=sector | Sectors
cat=decapants_chimiques | Los disolventes químicos
cat=product | Products
Pickling paste transparent
When stainless steel is welded, various oxides and heat discolouration are produced. DERUSTIT pickling paste 4020 is designed to remove such contaminants that could effect the corrosion resis- tance of the metal. This also aids the inspection of the welded joint and adjacent metal. As it is in paste form, 4020 can be applied to vertical welds and to these areas inaccessible to alternative mechanical methods of descaling.
DERUSTIT pickling paste 4020 is intended for use on the Austenitic range of stainless steels and other high Nickel alloys.
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A 5.22: E316LT0-4 |
EN ISO 17633-A: T 19 12 3 L Z M 3 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: E316LT0-4 EN ISO 17633-A: T 19 12 3 L Z M 3 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4430
Basic flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
· Basic flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
· 19% chromium - 12% nickel - 3% molybdenum - low carbon deposit
· For cryogenic and highly restrained structures
· Exclusive slag system favours attractive bead appearance, excellent slag release, good penetration profile and high productivity
· Attractive weldability and maximum performance in the horizontal and downhand positions
· Excellent X-ray soundness, ductility and unique impact toughness
· Welded with classical economic Ar-CO2 mixtures
FCW SB316L is suitable for welding stainless steels with an alloy content between 16 to 21% Cr, 6 to 13% Ni and up to 3% Mo, stabilised and unstabilised types
Abratig 308LSi
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A5.9 : ER308LSi |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=tig | TIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
AWS A5.9 : ER308LSi DIN 8556: SG-X2 CrNi 19/9 EN14343-A: G/W 19 9 L Si Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4316
Low carbon filler metal for welding stainless steel. The low impurity and the tightened chemical analysis allow greater mastery of mechanical properties and resistance to corrosion. The presence of a higher rate of silicon allows a better flow of the bath. The surface of the wire and its high level of cleanliness ensure optimal feeding especially for automated applications.
W - Nr.
X12 CrNi18 8
X5 CrNi 18 10
X6 CrNi 18 11
X10 CrNiTi 18 9
X5 CrNiNb 18 9
X6 CrNiNb 18 10
G - X5 CrNiNb 18 9
X2 CrNi 18 11
X2 CrNi N 18 10
Lucha contra la abrasión |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=anti_abrasion | Lucha contra la abrasión
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
EN 14700: T Fe15
Tubular wire for self shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Tubular wire for self shielded metal arc hardfacing
• High chromium cast iron for hardfacing components subject to extremely severe abrasive wear and heavy impact up to 300°C
• The deposit contains hard complex carbides in a tough matrix and performs exceptionally well in both fine and coarse abrasion
FCW CN is used for hardfacing components undergoing heavy wear by earth, sand or other abrasives. Relief checking is normal.
Examples Sand and earthmoving equipment such as buckets and teeth, railway ballast tampers, dredge buckets and lips, dragline buckets, coke hammers, rippers, sizing screens, crushing equipment, brick industry components, Muller tyres, catalyst lift pipes, pump impellers, fan blades, rockwool rolls, wear plates operating at high temperature in the steelmaking industry.
FCW K600
Aleaciones de cobre Aleaciones ferrítico y martensítico Recargue Aceros de baja aleación Lucha contra la abrasión |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_cuivreux | Aleaciones de cobre
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=alliages_ferritiques_et_martensitiques | Aleaciones ferrítico y martensítico
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
cat=anti_abrasion | Lucha contra la abrasión
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: TFe2 DIN 8555: MSG6-GF-C1-60-GP :
Seamless high fill copper coated tubular wire for semi-automatic gas shielded hardfacing
• Seamless high fill copper coated tubular wire for semi-automatic gas shielded hardfacing
• Unique welder appeal
• Deposition rate increased by up to 20% when compared to solid wire
• Martensitic weld metal contains finely dispersed hard carbides ensuring an optimal balance between abrasion, friction and impact resistance
• Wire does not pick up moisture, the wire feeding properties are excellent
• Designed for welding in horizontal, horizontal-vertical and vertical-up positions
• Abrasion resistance is maintained at service temperatures up to 450°C
FCW K600 is used for hardsurfacing components that must combine resistance both to abrasion and to moderate impact
Bucket teeth, bucket lips, bulldozer blades, crusher jaws, scraper blades, chutes, pump housings, conveyor screws, slide plates, gear teeth, crusher hammers, drilling bits, ploughshares, reamers etc.
Abracrom 310H
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A5.4: E310H-15 |
EN ISO 3581-A : E 25 20 H B 4 2 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
AWS A5.4: E310H-15 EN ISO 3581-A : E 25 20 H B 4 2 EN 1600: E 25.20 H B 42
High temperature stainless steel electrode
Basic coated austenitic stainless steel electrode with 26%Cr, 21%Ni and an increased carbon contend. Used to weld austenitic heat resistant alloys, centrifugally cast tubes etc. resisting to scaling and oxidation up to 1100°C. Regular and stable fusion, good slag removal and nice aspect of the bead.
Main applications: Petrochemical industry, for furnaces, reformer and steam cracker tubes, piping systems.
EN 10088
Material N°
FCW 276
Aleaciones de níquel |
AWS A 5.34 - 2007: ENiCrMo4T0-4 AWS A 5.34M - 2007 : TNi6276-04 |
EN ISO 14172: ENi 6276 (NiCr15Mo15Fe6W4) |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.34 - 2007: ENiCrMo4T0-4 AWS A 5.34M - 2007 : TNi6276-04 EN ISO 14172: ENi 6276 (NiCr15Mo15Fe6W4)
Special flux cored nickel base wire for gas shielded arc welding
•Special flux cored nickel base wire for gas shielded arc welding
•Latest generation basic slag quality guarantees optimum metallurgical quality and attractive welder appeal
•Meets the NiCrMo-4 requirements
•Together with enhanced productivity, FCW 276 offers many other advantages compared to solid wires : improved weldability, almost no spatter, better arc stability, enhanced wetting properties, better bead aspect and shape, and use of classical M21 gas mixtures
FCW 276 is suitable for welding and cladding nickel-based alloys such as alloy 276 or similar materials.
It is also used for dissimilar welding of nickel based alloys to each other, to alloyed steels or to stainless steels and for joining 5 % or 9 % nickel steel.
FCW 420G
Aleaciones inoxidables Recargue |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T Fe8
Tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing
• 13% chromium martensitic stainless steel deposit
• Attractive combination of corrosion, oxidation, scaling and wear resistance
FCW 420G is used for hardfacing and reclaiming components subject to moderate corrosion and metal-metal wear. The deposited alloy also has excellent gouging and abrasion resistant properties.
Extensively used as a cladding alloy on many types of steel industry rolling mill rolls such as table rolls, pinch rolls, scale breaker rolls, coiler rolls, leveller rolls and runout table rolls. Other applications include dragline rope sheaves, dragline rope drums, hydraulic plungers, certain types of valve seats, pulp rotors..
FCW V 316L
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A 5.22: E316LT1-4 - E316LT1-1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: E316LT1-4 - E316LT1-1 EN 12073: T 19 12 3 L P M 1 - T 19 12 3 L P C 1
Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• 19% chromium - 12% nickel - 3% molybdenum - low carbon deposit
• Attractive bead appearance, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Specifically designed for out-of-position welding
• Maximum productivity for completion of vertical welds
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
FCW V 316L is suitable for welding stainless steels with an alloy content between 16 to 21% Cr ,6 to 13% Ni and up to 3% Mo, stabilised and unstabilised types.
Abrafonte 3
Mantenimiento y reparación Fonte |
AWS A 5.15: E Ni-CI |
EN ISO 1071: E Ni |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fonte | Fonte
AWS A 5.15: E Ni-CI EN ISO 1071: E Ni DIN 8573: E Ni BG 23
Electrode nickel pur – Enrobage non conducteur
Electrode à enrobage graphito-basique non conducteur, déposant un métal en nickel pur, recommandée pour l’assemblage et la réparation des fontes grises, la réparation de fissures. Particulièrement recommandée pour souder dans des trous profonds ou sur des pièces ou l’on risque un contact entre l’enrobage et la fonte.
Dépôt homogène et bien usinable, bon accrochage et étalement du métal d’apport.
Utilisations: réparations de blocs moteurs, bâtis de machines outils, boîtes de vitesses, réducteurs, corps de pompes, pièces moulées, corps de vannes.
Fontes grises, malléables, nodulaires:
NF A 32-101
FGL 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400
NF A 32-201
FGS 370-17, 400-12, 500-7, 600-3, 700-2
NF A 32-702
MN 350-10, 380-18, 450-6, 350-4, 650-3
DIN 1691
CG-14, 18, 25, 30
DIN 1693
GGG-40, 50, 60, 70
DIN 1692
GTS-35, 45, 55, 65, 7
Abratig C22
Aleaciones de níquel |
AWS A 5.14 : ER NiCrMo-10 |
EN ISO 18274 : S Ni 6022 |
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=tig | TIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A 5.14 : ER NiCrMo-10 DIN 1736: SG NiCr22Mo14W EN ISO 18274 : S Ni 6022 Werkstoff Nr.: 2.4635
HASTELLOY® C-22® RTW™ Filler Metal is used for welding of nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloys as well as for overlay cladding on carbon, low alloy, or stainless steels. They are also used for dissimilar joints between nickel-chromiummolybdenum alloys and stainless, carbon, or low alloyed steels.
Typical specifications for the nickelchromium- molybdenum base metals are ASTM, F574, B619, B622 and B626. All of which have UNS Number N06022.
It offers excellent corrosion resistance in oxidizing as well as reducing media in a wide variety of chemical process environments. It offers an outstanding resistance to stress corrosion cracking, pitting and crevice corrosion.
UNS: W86022
Welding of Inconel alloys 622 and 625, alloy 25-6Mo, and Incoloy 825
Also recommended for joining molybdenum-containing stainless steels, low alloyed steels, Hastelloy C4, C22, C-276 and Inconel 625, 2.4611
FCW V 347L
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A 5.22: E347T1-4 - E347T1-1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: E347T1-4 - E347T1-1 EN 12073: T 19 9 Nb P M 1 - T 19 9 Nb P C 1 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4551
Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• 19% chromium - 9% nickel - niobium stabilised - low carbon deposit
• Attractive bead appearance, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Specifically designed for out-of-position welding
• Maximum productivity for completion of vertical welds
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
FCW V 347L is suitable for welding stabilised stainless steels containing 16 to 21% Cr and 8 to 13% Ni
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aceros para herramientas Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_pour_outillage | Aceros para herramientas
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T ZFe4
Cored Wire - Hardfacing
• Tubular wire for semi-automatic gas shielded hardfacing
• Deposition rate increased by up to 20% when compared to solid wire
• Excellent wear resistance in cold cutting operations
• High speed steel deposit that maintains its hardness up to 600°C
FCW AR is used for the production or repair of high speed steel tooling and the rebuilding of cutting edges on carbon or low-alloy steel tooling.
Examples Rebuilding of parts subjected to metal-metal wear with no heavy impact, such as machining tools, cold shearing blades, milling cutters, knives, wire guides etc.
FCW S 20 9 3
Aleaciones inoxidables Mantenimiento y reparación |
AWS A 5.22: E308MoT0-4 - E308MoT0-1) Nearest |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: E308MoT0-4 - E308MoT0-1) Nearest EN 12073: T 20 10 3 R M 3 - T 20 10 3 R C 3
Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
• 20% chromium - 9% nickel - 3% molybdenum deposit
• Exceptional resistance to moisture pick up
• Attractive bead appearance, automatic slag release, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Maximum performances in the horizontal and downhand positions
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
FCW S 20 9 3 offers a strong, tough crack free deposit suitable for tank and other military vehicle fabrication. It is also useful for welding high tensile steels, for joining 13% manganese steels, hardenable steels or wear-resistant steels. It is as a multi-purpose wire for maintenance and for welding dissimilar joints.
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aceros para herramientas Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_pour_outillage | Aceros para herramientas
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T Fe3
Metal cored tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Metal cored tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Medium hardness deposit offering exceptional oxidation resistance and hot toughness up to 600 C
FCW WM is used for surfacing parts subjected to heavy compressive stresses and moderate abrasion or metal-to-metal wear, combined with mechanical and thermal shocks.
Hot and cold forging tools, hot work extrusion mandrels, drills, cutting edges on hot cutting tools…
CSS 410B
Aleaciones inoxidables Recargue |
AWS A5.4: E 410-15 |
EN ISO 3581-A: E 13 B 4 2 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
AWS A5.4: E 410-15 EN ISO 3581-A: E 13 B 4 2 DIN 8556: E 13 B 20+
Stainless electrode with 13% Cr
Basic coated electrode for repair and construction welding on heat resistant ferritic 14% Cr steels of similar composition. For surfacing on fittings and valves for gas, water and steam systems. Corrosion and scale resistant up to 900°C.Stable arc, easy slag removal and regular weld beads.
Main application: Hardfacing of valve body used for gas, water and steam transport system, etc.
Ferritic stainless steels for general use:
EN 10088
Material N°
Aceros de baja aleación Acero sin alear |
AWS A 5.20: E70T-4 |
EN ISO 17632-A: T 38 Z W N 3 |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
AWS A 5.20: E70T-4 EN ISO 17632-A: T 38 Z W N 3
Self-shielded flux-cored wire
• Self-shielded flux-cored wire
• Single-and multiple-pass welding of CMn steels
• The arc is not affected by draughts or moderate wind
• Very high deposition rates (up to 20 kg/h)
• Highly crack resistant deposits
General fabrication applications on mild and CMn steel when high deposition rates are required and that weld metal toughness is not the primary consideration. Typical applications include fabrication of machinery, earthmoving equipment, erection of steel framed buildings, welding of concrete reinforcement bars and heavy equipment repair.
Unalloyed construction steel EN 10025 / S185 to S355
Boiler plate EN 10028-2 / P235GH toP355GH
Fine-grained steels EN 10113 / S275 to S420
Pipe steels EN 10208 / L210 to L415
Pipe steels API5LX / X42, X46, X52, X60
Shipbuilding steels A, B, C, D, and A (H) / 32 to D (H) 36
Shipbuilding steels ISO/TR 15608: Groups 1.1 and 1.2
Aceros tenaces a frio Aceros de alto límite de elasticidad |
AWS A 5.29: E91T1-K2M-H4 |
EN ISO 18276-A: T 55 4 1.5NiMo P M 1 H5 EN ISO 18276-B: T624T1-1MA-N2M2-H5 |
cat=aciers_tenace_a_froid | Aceros tenaces a frio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_a_haute_limite_elastique | Aceros de alto límite de elasticidad
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.29: E91T1-K2M-H4 EN ISO 18276-A: T 55 4 1.5NiMo P M 1 H5 EN ISO 18276-B: T624T1-1MA-N2M2-H5 Qualification ASME IX Qualification: QW-432 F-N° 6 / QW-442 A-N° 10
• Seamless high fill copper coated rutile cored wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
• Nickel alloyed to improve sub-zero impact strength
• Single and multipass welding of cold tough steels and fine-grained steels
• High deposition rate welding can be carried out in all positions without the need to change parameters
• Soft spatter-free spray arc and smooth droplet transfer at all currents
• No moisture pick up, excellent wire feeding properties, spray arc operation avoids lack of fusion and slag traps
Fine-grained, cold tough (down to -50°C) and high yield strength steels (up to 550 MPa)
Fine grained steels EN 10137 S460 to S550Q, QL and MC
Fine grained steels EN 10113 S460N, NL, M and ML
Pipe steels EN 10208 L445MB to L550MB
Pipe steels ISO/TR 15608: Groups 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2 and 3.1
FCW 414-O
Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T Fe7 CZ DIN 8555: MF 5 GF 40 CZ
Tubular wire for self-shielded metal arc hardfacing.
Tubular wire for self-shielded metal arc hardfacing.
13% chromium martensitic stainless steel deposit.
Deposit resists corrosion, erosion and abrasive wear.
Recargue Lucha contra la abrasión |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=anti_abrasion | Lucha contra la abrasión
EN 14700: T Fe16
Hardfacing anti-abrasion
• Tubular wire for self shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Highly-alloyed chromium cast iron containing complex niobium, vanadium and chromium carbides
• High chromium cast iron for hardfacing components subject to extremely severe abrasive wear and moderate impact up to 400°C.
FCW VNB is designed to give a weld deposit of particularly high hardness and wear resistance on account of the dispersion of complex carbides it contains. This gives superior performance compared to standard chromium cast irons up to 400°C. The properties are reached in only three layers and relief checking is normal.
Used for rotating excavator bucket, lignite crushers-fans, Clinker crushers, homogenisers for coal or coke, Sintering installations, equipment for the electro-metallurgical industry etc.
LH 1181S
Aceros tenaces a frio Aceros de alto límite de elasticidad Aceros de baja aleación |
AWS A 5.5: E 10018-M |
EN ISO 18275-A : E 69 4 Mn2NiCrMo B T 42 H5 |
cat=aciers_tenace_a_froid | Aceros tenaces a frio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_a_haute_limite_elastique | Aceros de alto límite de elasticidad
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
AWS A 5.5: E 10018-M DIN 8529: EY 69 75 Mn2NiCrMo B EN ISO 18275-A : E 69 4 Mn2NiCrMo B T 42 H5
High strength basic electrode
Basic coated electrode highly resistant to cracks and elaborated for welding fine grain steels and steels with high mechanical characteristics (Rm up to 800 MPa).
Welds of high security - buffer layer for hardfacing - pleasant fusion, stable arc, low spatters, good removal of the slag and nice aspect of the weld seam.
Construction steels for general use :
NF A 35-501 :A50-2*. A60-2*,3. E36-2*,3*,4*.
DIN 17100 :St50-2*. St60-2*. St70-2*.
ASTM : A678grC*. A709gr50*,100*. A710grA*.
High strength steels:
NF A 36-204 : E500T*.. E550T*. E620T*. E690T*.
DIN 17 102 : StE460, 500* , 590* , 690*.
Also suitable for welding steels destinated to heat treatment like : 15CD4*. 25CD4*. 35CD4*.XC38. XC48*. 32C4....., also for construction steels self - patining (consult us)
(*) eventual preheating and post-weld heat treatment in the case of heavy thickness.
FCW Ni520
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Recargue Aleaciones de níquel |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: TNi4
Nickel-based super-alloy flux-cored wire
• Nickel-based super-alloy flux-cored wire
• Weld metal is a precipitation hardened alloy designed to withstand impact, compression, oxidation, corrosion and heat up to 950°C
• Excellent thermal shock resistance
• Can be machined without previous heat treatment
FCW Ni 520 is designed in general to surface all parts undergoing mechanical stress combined with corrosion, thermal shocks and/or high temperatures
High-speed forging hammers, hot drawing dies, etc.
WP 250
cat=flux | Fundentes
cat=product | Products
EN 760: SF MS 1 88 AC
Fused Welding Flux
Glassy fused flux with acid characteristics of the MS-type with pick-up of both Silicon and Manganese. WP 250 is designed for joint welding on AC or DC of ordinary carbon-manganese steels using SAW single- or multi-wire processes, in combination with the appropriate wire grades such as S1, S2 and S2Mo according to EN 756. Due to the flux characteristics WP 250 produces welds with good weld bead appearance, good slag detachability and resistance to porosity. Mechanical properties with moderate impact toughness as required for ordinary structural steels are achievable. The flux is also especially suitable for many hardfacing jobs in combination with the appropriate solid or cored wires.
Acero sin alear |
AWS A 5.1: E 7018-1-H4 |
EN ISO 2560-A: E 42 6 B 42 H5 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
NFA 81-309: E 515/5 B 120 26 BH AWS A 5.1: E 7018-1-H4 BS 639: E 5155 B 120 26 (H) EN ISO 2560-A: E 42 6 B 42 H5 DIN 8529: E SY 42 76 Mn B
Universal basic electrode
Low hydrogen electrode with a vacuum packing and it can be used without baking. Universal basic coated electrode (115% recovery) for welding highly stressed connections with high security. Good low temperature properties down to - 50°C.
Resistant to cold cracks. Slag easy to remove. For frames, cases, supports, ship building, pressure vessels.
Construction steels for general use:
NF A 35-501 : A33.A34-2.E24-2, 3. E28-2, 3. E30-2, 3. A50-2. A60-2,3. E36-2,3,4
DIN 17100 : St33-1.St37-2, 3.St44-2, 3. St50-2. St60-2. St70-2
ASTM : A283grB, C, D. A570gr30,33,40, 50. A709gr50
Tube steels:
DIN 17172, 17175, 1629 : StE210-7, 240-7, 290-7, 320-7. St35. St35-4,8. St45. St45-4, 8. St52. St52-4. St55-4
API SPEC 5L : X42, X46, X52, X60
Ship steels: Quality A, B, C and D
Steels for Boiler and Pressure Vessels:
NF A 36-205 : A37CP, AP. A42CP, AP..A48CP, AP. A52CP*, AP
DIN 17155 : HI, HII, HIII, 17Mn 4, 19Mn6
ASTM : A414grC, D, E, F. A442gr55, 60. A514grC, D, E, F. A515gr55, 60, 65, 70. A285grC. A516gr55 à 70
High strength steels:
NF A 36-203 : E275D. E335D. E390D. A430D. E445D, 420T
NF A 36-204 : E420T. E460T
NF a 36-207 : A510 AP. E530 AP*. E550AP
DIN 17 102 : StE255, 315,355
Heat resisting steels: Wst255 tot 355
Cold tough steels: TstE 255 tot 355
Abracrom 383
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A5.4: E 383 - 16 |
EN ISO 3581-A : E 27 31 4 Cu L R 1 2 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
AWS A5.4: E 383 - 16 EN ISO 3581-A : E 27 31 4 Cu L R 1 2
Stainless electrode high corrosion resistant
Rutile-basic coated electrode for welding fully austenitic highly corrosion resistant stainless steels (Sanicro 28, Uranus B28 ) of the same composition or lower alloyed. Good weldability in all positions, except vertical down, stable arc, good slag removal, regular finely rippled weld beads. Due to its alloy composition, high Mo-content and Cu, the weld metal is suited against attacks by phosphoric- and sulfuric acids, it shows a high resistance against pitting and stress corrosion in chloride containing media. It is used at operation temperatures up to 400°C.
Main applications: Pulp and paper industry, transport containers, installations of the chemical industry.
(Sanicro is a trade name of Sandvik, Uranus is a trade name of Creusot Loire Industries)
EN 10088
Material N°
LH 884S
Aceros tenaces a frio Aceros de baja aleación |
AWS A 5.5 : E 8018-C2 |
cat=aciers_tenace_a_froid | Aceros tenaces a frio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
NFA 81-340 : EY 46 3 Ni B 110 20 BH AWS A 5.5 : E 8018-C2 BS 2493: 3 NiBH DIN 8529: EY 4687 3 Ni BH5 20
Basic electrode with high toughness
Low hydrogen basic coated electrode alloyed with Nickel (above 3%) for welding fine grain steels used at low temperature (-60 to -80°C). Cryogenic and petrochemical industries.
Stocking and distribution of liquid gas or products volatile.
Plates and tubes of fine grain steels, cold tough:
NF A 35-207 :A510FP1 - A550FP2
NF A 36208 : 3.5 Ni 285 et 355 (12N14)
DIN: 10Ni14 - 14Ni6 - 16 Ni14
ASTM : A203G D & E - A352GrLC3 - A334Gr3 - A350Gr LF 3
Abrafil 430
Aleaciones inoxidables Recargue |
AWS A5.9: ER 430 |
ISO 14343-A: 17 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=rechargement | Recargue
AWS A5.9: ER 430 ISO 14343-A: 17
Stainless Steel welding wire
Cr-wire for joining ferritic steels/cast steels and for surfacing un-and low alloyed/high strength steels. Corrosion resistant, heat resisting in air and oxydising combustion gases at elevated températures up to 950°C. (Service temperature up to 475°C)
Aleaciones de cobre |
AWS A5.7: ER CuSn-A |
EN ISO 24373: S Cu 5180P (CuSn6P) |
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_cuivreux | Aleaciones de cobre
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=tig | TIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.7: ER CuSn-A EN ISO 24373: S Cu 5180P (CuSn6P)
Copper-based Welding Wire
CuSn-rod for joining copper-tin alloys, bronze (=CuZn-alloys), CuSnZnPb-cast-alloys and for surfacing of steel casts.
Abranel A
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aleaciones de níquel Mantenimiento y reparación |
AWS A5.11: E NiCrFe-2 |
EN ISO 14172: E-Ni 6092 (NiCr16Fe12NbMo) |
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
AWS A5.11: E NiCrFe-2 UNS: W86133 DIN 1736: EL- NiCr 15FeNb EN ISO 14172: E-Ni 6092 (NiCr16Fe12NbMo)
Nickel base electrode for fabrication and repair
Basic coated nickel base electrode, with an alloyed core wire, for joining and repairing of high temperature alloys, dissimilar joining of stainless steel to creep resistant steels , for joining alloy 800, 800H, HK40, HP45 etc. The electrode distinguishes itself by a soft arc, easy slag removal and regular weld beads.
Main applications:
Thermal power stations, ovens, thermal equipment for heat treatment, petrochemical installations
Material N°
Derustit 4067
Neutralising Paste |
cat=Neutralising_Paste | Neutralising Paste
cat=sector | Sectors
cat=decapants_chimiques | Los disolventes químicos
cat=product | Products
Neutralising Paste
Pasty mixture lime milk
Intended use
neutralization of pickling paste residues on stainless steel surfaces
Suitable for
• stainless steel parts treated with pickling paste Handling methods: pickling brush (acid-resistant)
• save rinsing of parts
Packing sizes
plastic tub (2 kg - 4 tubs in one cardboard box)
Abratig CuSi3
Aleaciones de cobre |
AWS A5.7: ERCuSi-A |
ISO 24373: ~ S Cu 6560 (CuSi3Mn1) |
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_cuivreux | Aleaciones de cobre
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=tig | TIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.7: ERCuSi-A ISO 24373: ~ S Cu 6560 (CuSi3Mn1)
Filler metal used for welding Cu-Si, Cu-Mn alloys between themselves, or weld woth ordinary steel and coated and galvanized sheets.
Applications: automobile assembly and other joining industries
FCW Steelcarbw
Recargue Lucha contra la abrasión |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=anti_abrasion | Lucha contra la abrasión
EN 14700: T Fe20
Tubular hardfacing wire for self shielded arc welding
• Tubular hardfacing wire for self shielded arc welding
• Wire is made from a steel strip filled with tungsten carbides
• Weld deposit is extremely abrasion resistant
FCW Steelcarbw is used for hardfacing components subject to extreme abrasion and moderate impact. The weld deposit contains hard primary tungsten carbide granules in a secondary carbide eutectic matrix. The fine granulometry avoids wear by destruction of the matrix.
Used to protect carbide tool holders in mining machinery, drill bits, pug mill paddles and augers, mixer blades, paddles, drill collars and tool joints, dredge cutters, fan blades, muller ploughs, sand mixer blades, churn drills, post hole digger teeth, sand and gravel chutes, feed screws, oil industry drill stabilisers.
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aceros para herramientas Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_pour_outillage | Aceros para herramientas
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=sous_flux | Arco Sumergido (SAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T ZFe3
Tubular wire for submerged arc hardfacing
• Tubular wire for submerged arc hardfacing
• Suitable for withstanding corrosion and metal-metal wear at high temperature up to 650ºC
• An economical alternative to stellite material
FCW DCO S is used for surfacing hot-working tools and allowed to buildup thick coatings without risk of cracking
Hardfacing hot working stamping punches, dies, extrusion pistons, mandrels, engine valves, extruder screws continuous casting traction rolls
FCW Sub 904LG
Aleaciones inoxidables |
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: EC385 |
EN ISO 17633-A: T Z 20 25 5 Cu L M I1 1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: EC385 EN ISO 17633-A: T Z 20 25 5 Cu L M I1 1 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4519
Metal cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
· Metal cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
· 20% chromium - 25% nickel - 5% molybdenum - 1,5% copper - low carbon deposit
· Enhanced productivity, improved weldability, better wetting properties compared to solid wires
· Excellent weld metal quality and X-ray soundness
· High welding speeds are possible in the horizontal position
FCW Sub 904LG is suitable for welding stainless steels of similar composition and for dissimilar welds between these steels and mild, low alloy and other stainless steels. It is an alternative choice to overmatch leaner alloys such as 317LN, 1.4439 etc.
Material number
EN Symbol
1. 4500
GX7 NiCrMoCuNb 25-20
1. 4505
X4 NiCrMoCuNb 20-18-2
1. 4506
X5 NiCrMoCuTi 20-18
1. 4536
GX2 NiCrMoCuN 25-20
1. 4539
X1 NiCrMoCu 25-20-5
1. 4585
GX7 CrNiMoCuNb 18-18
Aleaciones inoxidables |
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: E309T0-4 |
EN ISO 17633-A: T 22 12 H Z M 3 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: E309T0-4 EN ISO 17633-A: T 22 12 H Z M 3
Basic flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
• Basic flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
• 24% chromium - 13% nickel - high carbon deposit
• Exclusive slag system enables to get attractive bead appearance, excellent slag release, good penetration profile and high productivity
• Maximum performance in the horizontal and downhand positions
• Excellent X-ray soundness, ductility and unique impact toughness
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures
FCW SB 309H is suitable for welding similar heat resisting alloys in wrought or cast form, for welding dissimilar metals or for joining steels which are difficult to weld, such as ferritic and martensitic 13% Cr steels.
Examples: AISI
Material number
EN Symbol
X15 CrNiSi 20-12
GX25 CrNiSi 18-9
GX40 CrNiSi 22-9
GX25 CrNiSi 20-14
X10 CrAl 18
X4 CrNiSiN 18 10
X8 CrNiSiN 21 11
Aleaciones de cobalto Recargue |
AWS A 5.21: ERCCoCr-A |
alloy=Alliages de cobalt alloy=rechargement
cat=Alliages de cobalt | Aleaciones de cobalto
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
DIN 8555: MSG20-GF-40-CGPRZ EN 14700: T Co2 AWS A 5.21: ERCCoCr-A
Hardfacing Cobalt base
• Cobalt base tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardsurfacing
• Exceptional resistance to metal-to-metal wear in corrosive media at high temperatures, to erosion and to thermal shocks
FCW 6 BC is equivalent to FCW 6-G with a lower carbon. Easier to machine and less sensitive to cracking when compared to FCW 6-G. Used in automatic and semi-automatic welding where FCW 6-G would give cracking problems. FCW 6BC is used for hardsurfacing parts undergoing the single or combined effects of metal-to-metal wear, abrasion, temperatures ranging from RT to 800°C, impact and corrosive environments.
Examples Valve seats, valve gates, valve wedges, valve and cylinder bodies etc.
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas |
AWS A 5.23: F8A2-EC-A4 / F8P0-EC-A4 |
ISO 14171-A: S 46 4 AB T3Mo |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=sous_flux | Arco Sumergido (SAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.23: F8A2-EC-A4 / F8P0-EC-A4 ISO 14171-A: S 46 4 AB T3Mo
• Low alloyed tubular composite electrode
• For high deposition rate submerged arc welding of high yield strength steels
• Recommended in conjunction with flux
FCW A4 is designed for welding creep resisting steels of similar composition and high strength steels.
Creep resisting steel
EN 10028-2 P235GH to P355GH, 16Mo3
ASTM A336F1, A204 A, B & C
Fine-grained steels
EN 10028-3 P275N to P355N
EN 10113 S275N to S355N
ASTM A335P1, A209 and A250T1
Cast steels
ASTM A217WC1, A352LC1, GS-22Mo4
Aleaciones de níquel |
AWS A5.14: ERNiCrMo-13 |
DIN EN ISO 18274: S Ni 6059 (NiCr23Mo16) |
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
DIN EN ISO 18274: S Ni 6059 (NiCr23Mo16) AWS A5.14: ERNiCrMo-13 DIN Mat.-No.: 2.4607
Filler metal for Alloy 59
Filler metal for Alloy 59 and similar wrought and cast grades
Excellent corrosion resistance in acids and alkaline media
Very good processability and low susceptibility to sensitization
FCW 21-G
Aleaciones de cobalto Recargue |
AWS A 5.21: ERCCoCr-C |
alloy=Alliages de cobalt alloy=rechargement
cat=Alliages de cobalt | Aleaciones de cobalto
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T Co1 AWS A 5.21: ERCCoCr-C
Hardfacing Cobalt base
• Cobalt base cored wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing • Co-Ci-Ni-Mo alloy deposit
• Excellent metal-to-metal wear resistance combined good corrosion resistance
FCW 21-G is used for hardsurfacing parts subjected to a combination of impact, abrasion, compression, corrosion and high temperatures up to 900°C The toughness of the deposit allows excellent resistance to thermal cycles and shocks Less crack sensitive than other cobalt base alloys, FCW 21-G is used for building up large-scale sections
Used for integral seats and guides of large water and high-pressure valve bodies, drop forging dies, pump shafts and sleeves, hot punches etc.
Recargue Aceros de baja aleación |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=sous_flux | Arco Sumergido (SAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
EN 14700 : T Fe1
Tubular wire for submerged arc hardfacing
• Tubular wire for submerged arc hardfacing
• Hardfacing or rebuilding components subject to metal-metal wear and moderate abrasion
• Machinable deposit
FCW PS is used for hardfacing and multi-layer build up work. Preheat is required for multi-layer build-up work.
Tractor rollers, tractor idlers, shovel rollers, crane wheels, mine car wheels, cable drums, cable sheaves, steel mill table rolls and other steel mill applications, shovel track pad, stacker wheels etc.
FCW 25
Aleaciones de cobalto Recargue |
alloy=Alliages de cobalt alloy=rechargement
cat=Alliages de cobalt | Aleaciones de cobalto
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: TZCo
Cobalt base tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardsurfacing
• Cobalt base tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardsurfacing
• The Co-Cr-W-Ni alloy deposit benefits from stable hardness at high temperatures
• FCW 25 is used for hardsurfacing parts undergoing metal-to-metal wear at temperatures up to 800°C
• The toughness of the deposit allows excellent resistance to thermal cycles and shocks
• Very resistant to creep, this alloy is used for extrusion dies, nozzles, pump shafts etc
FCW V 20 9 3
Aleaciones inoxidables Mantenimiento y reparación |
AWS A 5.22: E308MoT1-1/4 |
EN ISO 17633-A: T 20 10 3 P M 1 - T 20 10 3 P C 1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: E308MoT1-1/4 EN ISO 17633-A: T 20 10 3 P M 1 - T 20 10 3 P C 1
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• 20% chromium - 10% nickel - 3% molybdenum deposit
• Attractive bead appearance, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Specifically designed for out-of-position welding
• Maximum productivity for completion of vertical welds
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
FCW V 20 9 3 offers a strong, tough crack free deposit suitable for tank and other military vehicle fabrication. It is also useful for welding high tensile steels, for joining 13% manganese steels and more generally as a multi-purpose wire for maintenance and for welding dissimilar joints.
Brazargent 5040
Aleaciones de plata |
AWS A5.8: BAg-28 |
EN ISO 17672: ~Ag 140 |
cat=enrobees | Revestido
cat=brasures | Soldadura fuerte
cat=product | Products
cat=nue | Desnudo
cat=Alliages_d_argent | Aleaciones de plata
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fourees | Rellenos
cat=brasures | Soldadura fuerte
EN ISO 17672: ~Ag 140 AWS A5.8: BAg-28 DIN 8513: L-Ag 40 Sn
Cadmium free: 40% Ag
One of the most used Cd free alloy which main elements are: copper, zinc, high silver content at 40% and tin. This range has been developed to replace cadmium-bearing brazing alloys, where the use of Cd is forbidden. Tin (Sn) lowers the melting point, increases fluidity and exhibits good wetting properties. Also offer good corrosion resistance and is non-toxic enabling properties to be used in food and sanitary applications, medical fluid transport, etc.
This alloy needs a controlled quench to avoid the weakening of the brazed joint.
It is an alloy of general use, mainly used when brazing most ferrous, cuprous and nickel alloys, stainless steels and steal tools. Its excellent fluidity makes it suitable in closely fitting joints as able to penetrate tight gaps. Its fluidity together with its very close melting range makes it suited for delicate assemblies with tight clearances. Lap joints are recommended.
To be used with AG-FLUX as flux coated rods, when brazing in open atmospheric conditions.
Bare rods in Ø 1,5 - 2 - 2,5 - 3 mm, while Flux coated rods Ø1,5 and 2 mm, standard length 500 mm. Also available in wire and performs.
Abrafil Galva
Acero sin alear |
AWS A5.18: ER70S-2 |
ISO 14341-A: G2Ti |
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
AWS A5.18: ER70S-2 ISO 14341-A: G2Ti Werkstoff Nr.: 1.5125
Copper coated solid wire for GMAW to weld low alloyed standard construction / boiler steels.
Main applications: Especially for galvanized and Zinc coated steels used for general metal constructions, in the automobile industry, blacksmithing etc.
Abrafil UP S2
Acero sin alear |
AWS A 5.17: EM12K |
EN ISO 14171-A: S 38 6 FB S2 |
cat=up | UP
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
EN ISO 14171-A: S 38 6 FB S2 AWS A 5.17: EM12K
Submerged arc welding wire
Submerged arc welding wire for general structural steels up to S355JR, boiler plates up to P295GH, especially for pipe steels up to L360 and unalloyed boiler tubes.
FCW 450-G
Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T Fe1 SP DIN 8555: MSG 2 GF 45 SP
Tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing
Tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing.
Low alloy martensitic deposit.
FCW 450-G is used for surfacing and rebuilding parts subjected to impact and high compressive stresses.
Abratig Co21
Recargue |
AWS A5.21: ERCoCr-E |
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=tig | TIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.21: ERCoCr-E EN 14700: S Co1 DIN 8555: WSG-20-GO-300-CKTZ
Cobalt base filler metal Stellite Grade 21 type, used for hardfacing of parts subject to wear combined or not: wear, shock, high temperature pressure in sulfurous atmosphere.
Applications:Scope and valve seats, hot forging dies, gas turbines, large hardfacing areas.
Abracrom 309L
Aleaciones inoxidables Mantenimiento y reparación |
AWS A 5.4: E 309L - 16 |
ISO 3581-A: E 23 12 L R 3 2 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
NF A 81-343: EZ 23.12 LR 26 AWS A 5.4: E 309L - 16 BS 2926: 23.12 LR Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4332 DIN 8556: E 23.12 LR 26 ISO 3581-A: E 23 12 L R 3 2
Rutile type stainless steel electrode
Low carbon rutile-basic electrode with an austenitic stainless steel deposit containing 15% ferrite- for welding dissimilar steels as stainless steels to low alloyed steels- also suitable for welding high temperature steels and as buffer layer before hardfacing- repairing of machine parts for civil engineering. First layer on construction steels for 18/8 cladding...-soft fusion-nice aspect of the bead. Self releasing slag.
Stainless steels :
NF A 35-578 : Z 15 CN 24.13
ASTM/AISI : 304, 347, 309
DIN 17175 : X 12 CrNi 22.12.
Werkstoff Nr : 1.4828, 1.4311, 1.4712, 1.4742.
UGINE :NS 24, R 27.
All construction steels, low alloyed in combination with stainless steels.
Abrafil 309LSi
Aleaciones inoxidables |
AWS A5.9: ER 309L Si |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.9: ER 309L Si DIN 8556: SG-X2 CrNi 24 12 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4332
Filler metal used for welding stainless steel types 309, 309L and for dissimilar joining types 304 or 316 on low alloy steels. Silicon content higher for a better fluidity of the puddle.
Applications: Sheets metal equipment, civil engineering and repair/maintenance.
W - Nr.
X5 CrNi 18 10
X2 CrNi 18 11
X10 CrNiTi 18.9
X6 CrNiNb 18 10
X 10 CrSi 6
X 10 CrAl 13(X 10 CrAl 18)
1.4724 (1.4742)
X 15 CrNiSi 20 12
G - X25 CrNiSi 20 14
G - X25 CrNiSi 18 9
G - X40 CrNiSi 22 9
G - X10 CrNiN 18 10
Phosbraz AG100
Aleaciones de cobre-fósforo Aleaciones de plata |
EN ISO 3677: B Cu 84 Ag P 650-750 |
cat=enrobees | Revestido
cat=brasures | Soldadura fuerte
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_cuivre-phosphore | Aleaciones de cobre-fósforo
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=nue | Desnudo
cat=Alliages_d_argent | Aleaciones de plata
cat=brasures | Soldadura fuerte
EN ISO 3677: B Cu 84 Ag P 650-750
Manual brazing: CuP Ag 10%
Adding silver to CuP lowers the liquidus point. This addition also refines the alloy, increasing the brazed joints mechanical characteristics, improving electrical conductivity and increasing ductility.
Being more robust at lower operating temperature and thanks to the characteristics mentioned above, this alloy is specially used by electric motor manufacturers, gas water-heaters and refrigeration industry (refrigerators, freezers, compressors).
Its excellent and controlled fluidity, together with its low melting temperature give good resistance to cold and vibrations. It is also recommended for delicate works.
This polyvalent product has self-fluxing properties on red coppers.
Can be also used on cuprous alloys (bronze, brass) with our Phosbraz Flux.
Rods of Ø 1,5 - 2 - 2,5 - 3 mm, standard length 500 mm. Other dimensions on request. Also available in wire.
Abrafil AlMg4,5MN
Aleaciones de magnesio Aleaciones de aluminio |
AWS A5.10: ER 5183 |
EN ISO 18273: AlMg4,5Mn0,7(A) |
cat=alliages_de_magnesium | Aleaciones de magnesio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=alliages_d_aluminium | Aleaciones de aluminio
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.10: ER 5183 DIN 1732: SG-AlMg4,5Mn EN ISO 18273: AlMg4,5Mn0,7(A) W. Nr.: 3.3548
Al-Mg filler metal
Joining of Al-Mg-alloys and aluminium-cast alloys.
Abrafonte Fe3
Fonte |
AWS A 5.15: “ECI-B” |
EN ISO 1071: E C FeC-GF 3 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=fonte | Fonte
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
AWS A 5.15: “ECI-B” EN ISO 1071: E C FeC-GF 3 DIN 8573 : E FeC-G-BG 42
Cast iron electrode for hot welding
Graphite basic coated electrode for hot welding nodular cast iron with a color and structure matching deposit. Stable arc, can weld over hot slag, good bonding and flow of the weld metal.
Main applications: Used to weld defects in foundries.
Nodular cast iron:
NF A 32-201
FGS 370-17, 400-12, 500-7, 600-3, 700-2
NF A 32-702
MN 350-10, 380-18, 450-6, 350-4, 650-3
DIN 1693
GGG-40, 50, 60, 70
DIN 1692
GTS-35, 45, 55, 65, 70
FCW 182
Enchapado Aleaciones de níquel |
AWS A 5.11: ENiCrFe-3* |
EN ISO 14172:: ENi 6182 (NiCr15Fe6Mn)* |
cat=placage | Enchapado
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.11: ENiCrFe-3* EN ISO 14172:: ENi 6182 (NiCr15Fe6Mn)* Werkstoff Nr.: 2.4807 : *There is no EN ISO classification system available for nickel-base flux-cored wires. The deposit meets the composition requirements and mechanical properties of the corresponding nickel-base SMAW electrodes.
Special flux cored nickel base wire for gas shielded arc welding
· Special flux cored nickel base wire for gas shielded arc welding
· Latest generation basic slag quality guarantees optimum metallurgical quality and attractive welder appeal
· Meets the NiCrFe-3 requirements
· Together with enhanced productivity, FCW 182 offers many other advantages compared to solid wires : enhanced wetting properties, increased resistance to cracking, better bead aspect and shape, use of classical M21 gas mixtures
· Maximum performances in the horizontal and downhand positions
· FCW 182 is suitable for welding and cladding nickel-based alloys such as alloy 600 or similar materials.
· It is also used for dissimilar welding of most nickel-based alloys to each other, to alloyed steels, or to stainless steels.
· It is a first choice consumable for heterogeneous weldments between creep-resisting ferritic steels and austenitic steels for use at high temperatures. If necessary, stress relief may be carried out.
· Repair welding on “hard-to-weld” steels
FCW 350-S
Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=sous_flux | Arco Sumergido (SAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
DIN 8555: UP1-GF-350-P
Tubular wire for submerged arc hardfacing
Abracrom 312
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A 5.4 : E 312 - 16 |
EN ISO 3581: E 29.9 R 23 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
NF A 81-343: EZ 29.9 R 23 AWS A 5.4 : E 312 - 16 BS 2926 : 29.9 R EN ISO 3581: E 29.9 R 23 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4337
Stainless electrode for repairing
Rutile-basic electrode with an austenitic-ferritic stainless steel deposit - adapted for welding dissimilar steels (stainless steels with low alloyed steels) and steels difficult to weld as tool steels, Mn steels, spring steels...- metal deposit highly resistant to cracks-suitable for buffer layers before hardfacing and for building up cutting tools - soft fusion- nice aspect of the beads- self releasing slag.
Stainless steels
Tools steels
Low alloyed steels
Austenitic steels with Mn: Z 120 M 12 type
Screening steels
Spring steels: 45S7, 51S7; 56C7, 45C4, ...
Armatures and wire lattice for reinforced concrete ...
FCW K400
Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T Fe1 DIN 8555: MSG5-GF-C1-40-P
Cored welding wire
•Seamless high fill copper coated tubular wire for semi-automatic gas shielded hardfacing
•Machinable low alloy bainitic deposit
•Unique welder appeal
•Deposition rate increased by up to 20% when compared to solid wire
•Wire does not pick up moisture, the wire feeding properties are excellent
•Designed for welding in horizontal, horizontal-vertical and vertical-up positions
FCW K400 is used for surfacing and rebuilding parts subjected to abrasion, high compressive stresses and impacts.
Rollers, idlers, chains and drive sprockets, excavator pads, steel shafts, gear teeth, crane wheels, bearing tracks, steel mill rolls, mine car wheels, dredge pins, dredge links, mixer parts, rail car couplings, steel mill roll couplings, cold forging dies and any components subject to metal-metal wear.
FCW 625
Enchapado Aleaciones de níquel |
AWS A 5.11: ENiCrMo-3* |
EN ISO: ENi6625* |
cat=placage | Enchapado
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.11: ENiCrMo-3* EN ISO: ENi6625* Werkstoff Nr.: 2.4621 : *There is no EN ISO classification system available for nickel-base flux-cored wires. The deposit meets the composition requirements and mechanical properties of the corresponding nickel-base SMAW electrodes.
Special flux cored nickel base wire for gas shielded arc welding
· Special flux cored nickel base wire for gas shielded arc welding
· Latest generation basic slag quality guarantees optimum metallurgical quality and attractive welder appeal
· Meets the NiCrMo-3 requirements
· Together with enhanced productivity, FCW 625 offers many other advantages compared to solid wires : improved weldability, almost no spatter, better arc stability, enhanced wetting properties, better bead aspect and shape, and use of classical M21 gas mixtures
FCW 625 is suitable for welding and cladding nickel-based alloys such as alloy 625 or similar materials. It is also used for dissimilar welding of nickel based alloys to each other, to alloyed steels or to stainless steels and for joining 6% molybdenum super austenitic steels or 9 % nickel steel.
Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T Fe16
Cored wire for self shielded metal arc hardfacing
Cored wire for self shielded metal arc hardfacing
Chromium cast iron deposit containing complex niobium, vanadium and chromium carbides
FCW DIAMANT is used for hardfacing components that have to resist severe abrasion at ambient and at elevated temperatures.
Rotating excavator buckets, lignite crusher-fans, homogenisers for coal and coke, equipment for the electro-metallurgical industry etc.
Abranel 59
Aleaciones de níquel |
AWS A5.11: ENiCrMo-13 |
EN ISO 14172: E-Ni 6059 (NiCr23Mo16) |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
AWS A5.11: ENiCrMo-13 UNS : W86059 EN ISO 14172: E-Ni 6059 (NiCr23Mo16)
Nickel base electrode highly corrosion resistant
Basic coated electrode with an alloyed core wire for welding of Nickel-Base alloys (alloy 59) and other highly corrosion resistant Ni-Cr-Mo, Ni-Cr-Mo-W alloys as well as special stainless steel types. Stable arc, regular drop transfer, easy to watch weld pool, nice aspect of the weld beads. Very resistant in sulfurous acid environment, highly concentrated with chlorides and also in the presence of oxidizing solutions (FeCl, CuCl).
Main applications: Welding of Off-shore components, boilers, containers, piping systems in the chemical and petrochemical industries as well as components of flue gas de-sulphuring plants.
X1NiCrMoCuN25 20 6
Werkstoff Nr.
MS Galva
Acero sin alear |
AWS A5.1: E 6013 |
EN ISO 2560: E 43 2 RR 12 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
AWS A5.1: E 6013 EN ISO 2560: E 43 2 RR 12
Rutile electrode to be galvanised
Heavy coated rutile electrode to weld steel constructions which will be galvanised after welding. Easy to use in all positions, also possible to weld short beads in vertical down position. Easy slag removal and regular rippled weld beads.
Main applications: Used in metal constructions, locksmithing, etc.
NF A 35-501
A33. A34-2. E24-2,3. E28-2,3. E30-2,3
DIN 17100
St33-1. St37-2,3.
A283grB, C, D. A570gr30, 33, 40.
EN 10025
S235 JR, S235 JO, S235 J2
FCW V 308H
Aleaciones inoxidables |
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: E308HT1-4 - E308HT1-1 |
EN ISO 17633-A: T Z 19 9 H P M 1 - T Z 19 9 H P C 1 EN ISO 17633-B: TS308H-FB1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: E308HT1-4 - E308HT1-1 EN ISO 17633-A: T Z 19 9 H P M 1 - T Z 19 9 H P C 1 EN ISO 17633-B: TS308H-FB1 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4948
Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• 19% chromium - 9% nickel - high carbon deposit
• Attractive bead appearance, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Specifically designed for out-of-position welding
• Maximum productivity for completion of vertical welds
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
FCW V 308H is suitable for welding 304H and 304H derivatives that operate at temperatures up to 750°C.
Material number
EN Symbol
1. 4948
X6 CrNi 18-11
1. 4941
X8 CrNiTi 18-10
1. 4961
X8 CrNiNb 16-13
Mantenimiento y reparación Fonte |
AWS A 5.15: E NiFe-CI |
EN ISO 1071: E C NiFe-CI 3 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fonte | Fonte
NF A 81-342 : E Ni BG 13 AWS A 5.15: E NiFe-CI EN ISO 1071: E C NiFe-CI 3 DIN 8573: E NiFe BG13
Ferro nickel electrode
Graphite basic coated electrode with a Ferro-Nickel alloy deposit for joining and repairing nodular cast iron. Deposit homogeneous and highly resistant against cracks. Particularly recommended for dissimilar welding of cast iron to steels and cast iron constructions.
Good bonding and flow of the weld metal.
Main application
: Welding of defects in foundries, repairing of engine blocks, houses of tool machines, gearboxes, reducing parts, pump bodies, cast pieces, valve bodies.
Grey cast iron, malleable and nodular cast iron:
NF A 32-101
FGL 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400
NF A 32-201
FGS 370-17, 400-12, 500-7, 600-3, 700-2
NF A 32-702
MN 350-10, 380-18, 450-6, 350-4, 650-3
DIN 1691
CG-14, 18, 25, 30
DIN 1693
GGG-40, 50, 60, 70
DIN 1692
GTS-35, 45, 55, 65, 70
Abrafil 316LSi
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A5.9: ER 316 LSi |
EN ISO 12072 : W 19 12 3 L / G 19 12 3 L |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
AWS A5.9: ER 316 LSi DIN. 8556 : SGX2CrNiMo 19 12 EN ISO 12072 : W 19 12 3 L / G 19 12 3 L Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4430
Filler metal used for welding stainless steels (316, 316L …) stabilized or not. The increased silicon promotes weld pool fluidity.
Service temperature from -120°C up to +400°C.
Main applications:
Chemical and petrochemical industries, refineries, food industries, etc.
X2 CrNiMo 17 13 2
X2 CrNiMo 18 16 4
X5 CrNiMo 17 12 2
X5 CrNiMo 17 13 3
X6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2
X10 CrNiMoTi 18 12
X10 CrNiMoNb 18 12
X5 CrNiMo 17 13
G-X5 CrNiMoNb 18 10
Abratig 310
Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A5.9: ER310 |
cat=up | UP
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=tig | TIG
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
AWS A5.9: ER310 DIN 8556: SGX12CrNi 25 20 EN 12072: W 25 20 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4842
Filler metal used for welding of austenitic steels resistant type 310 and for dissimilar joints between refractory steel and stainless steel.
Also suitable for welding high temperature resistant steels till about 1100°C.
W - Nr.
X15 CrNiSi 25 20
X12 CrNi 25 21
X15 CrNiSi 20 12
G - X25 -CrNiSi20 14
G - X15 CrNi25 20
G - X40 CrNiSi25 12
G - X40 CrNiSi25 20
X10 CrAl 7
X10 Cr Al 24
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A 5.22: E308LT0-4 |
EN ISO 17633-A: T 19 9 L Z M 3 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: E308LT0-4 EN ISO 17633-A: T 19 9 L Z M 3 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4316
• Basic flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
• 19% chromium - 9% nickel - low carbon deposit
• For cryogenic and highly restrained structures
• Exclusive slag system enables to get attractive bead appearance, excellent slag release, good penetration profile and high productivity
• Attractive weldability and maximum performances in the horizontal and downhand positions
• Excellent X-ray soundness, ductility and unique impact toughness
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures
FCW SB 308L is suitable for welding stainless steels with an alloy content between 16 to 21% Cr and 8 to 13% Ni, stabilised or not.
FCW 404
Aleaciones de cobre-aluminio Recargue |
cat=alliages_cupro-aluminium | Aleaciones de cobre-aluminio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
DIN 8555: MSG 31-GF-400-C EN 14700: T Cu1
Hardfacing cupro-aluminium
• Copper-aluminium hardfacing alloy
• Good resistance to metal to metal wear under heavy loads
Suited to surfacing of iron and copper-base materials. Examples Deep drawing dies for stainless steel, aluminium, magnesium and titanium parts
Stringer or weaved beads
Can be welded gun leading or gun trailing
The use of pulsed current is recommended for improved wetting and bead appearance
Higher currents and voltages can be used, but cause increased element burn-off (particularly Al) and dilution, leading to lower hardness levels. Use of preheat and working temperatures up to 300°C will help forestall cracking.
MS 6013
Acero sin alear |
AWS A5.1: E 6013 |
EN ISO 2560-A : E 42 0 RR 12 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
AWS A5.1: E 6013 EN ISO 2560-A : E 42 0 RR 12
Universal rutile electrode
Universal all position mild steel electrode. Good operability and easy slag removal. Suitable for current supplies with low open arc voltage.
Main applications: In metal constructions, for piping systems, tanks, blacksmithing, craft works.
Construction steels for general use :
NF A 35-501
A33.A34-2. E24-2,3. E28-2,3. E30-2,3.A50-2*.
DIN 17100
St33-1. St37-2,3. St44-2,3*, St50-2*.
A283grB, C, D. A570gr30, 33, 40.
Tubes steels:
DIN 17172, 17175, 1629
StE210-7; 240-7; 290-7: 320-7; St35:
St35-4,8; St45; St45-4,8
Ship steels
Qualité A and B
Steels for Boiler and Pressure Vessels:
NF A 36-205
A37CP, A42CP, A48CP
DIN 17155
HI, HII, HIII, 17Mn4
A414grC, D, E, F. A442gr55, 60.A514grC, D, E, F
A515gr55, 60, 65, 70. A285grC
MetalTec Cerbide
cat=resine_epoxydique | Resina epoxídica
cat=product | Products
Super Wearing Abrasion Resistance Compound
A unique composite formulation of various sized ceramic fibers and carbide chips resulting in a tightly packed super abrasion resistant coating. For equipment that handles materials 1/16" (1.6mm) or larger.
MetalTec Cerbide may be used in any position. It does not slump or sag and may be applied up to 1"(25mm) thick vertically and 1/2"(12mm) thick overhead without the use of expanded metal reinforcement. Due to its handling characteristics, MetalTec Cerbide generally cannot be applied in thickness less than 3/16"(5.0mm).
Deposits cannot be machined.
USDA accepted for incidental food contact.
Abrafil AlSi5
Aleaciones de aluminio |
AWS A5.10: ER4043 |
ISO 18273: S Al 4043 (AlSi5) |
cat=alliages_d_aluminium | Aleaciones de aluminio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.10: ER4043 ISO 18273: S Al 4043 (AlSi5) AMS: 4190
Solid wire for GMAW used to weld Aluminium-Silicon alloys with Si content up to 7%. Applicable for a wide variety of Aluminium alloys.
Widely used in foundry reparations, nuclear industry, weapon industry, Aerospace, etc.
FCW M 71
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aceros de baja aleación Lucha contra la abrasión Acero sin alear |
AWS A 5.18: E70C-6M H4 |
EN ISO 17632-A: T 46 6 M M 1 H5 EN ISO 17632-B: T556T15-1MAP-UH5 |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
cat=anti_abrasion | Lucha contra la abrasión
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.18: E70C-6M H4 EN ISO 17632-A: T 46 6 M M 1 H5 EN ISO 17632-B: T556T15-1MAP-UH5
Seamless copper coated metal-cored tubular wire for semi automatic gas shielded arc welding
• Seamless copper coated metal-cored tubular wire for semi automatic gas shielded arc welding
• Single and multipass welding of CMn steels
• Optimal productivity by combining advantages of both seamless and seamed tubular wires
• Very good penetration, high tolerance to primer
• HDM guaranteed < 4 ml/ 100g deposited metal on the whole parameter box
• No moisture pick up, excellent wire feeding properties
• Unique mechanical properties
Unalloyed constructional steel, boiler plate, pipe steels, fine-grained steels, shipbuilding steels, cast steels
Unalloyed construction steels EN 10025 S185, S235JR to S355K2G4
Boiler plate EN 10028-2 P235GH, P265GH, P295GH, P355GH
Fine-grained steels EN 10028-3 P275N, NH, NL1, NL2 to P460N, NH, NL1, and NL2
Fine-grained steels EN 10113 S275N to S460N, S275M to S460ML
Pipe steels EN 10208 L240NB to L445NB
Pipe steels API 5LX X42, X46, X 52, X60, X65
Pressure vessel plates ASTM SA-516 Gr55 to SA-516Gr70
Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E, and A32/36 to F40
Cast steels DIN 1681 GS-38, GS-45, and GS-52
Cast steels ISO/TR 15608: Groups 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1 and 3.1
Abrafil AlMg3
Aleaciones de aluminio |
AWS A5.10: ~ ER5654 |
EN ISO 18273: S Al 5754 (AlMg3) |
cat=alliages_d_aluminium | Aleaciones de aluminio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.10: ~ ER5654 EN ISO 18273: S Al 5754 (AlMg3)
Solid wire for GMAW used to weld Aluminium alloys with up to 3% Mg. Very often used in marine construction for their excellent resistance to salt water corrosion and other types of construction.
Application: shipbuilding
AlMn 1
Al Mg 1
Al Mg 1,5
Al Mg 1,8
Al Mg 2,5
Al Mg 3
Al Mg Si 0,5
Abratig CrMo2
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aceros de baja aleación |
AWS A5.28: ER90S-B3 |
ISO 21952-A: W CrMo2Si |
cat=up | UP
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
cat=tig | TIG
AWS A5.28: ER90S-B3 ISO 21952-A: W CrMo2Si Werkstoff Nr.: 1.7384
GTAW rods for welding creep resisting steels (alloyed with Cr and Mo) used in service up to 600°C (including 2% Cr- 1% Mo castings). High resistance to H2S.
Main applications: For overheaters, valve bodies, pipes, boilers, hydrocrackers.
Steels and pipes for boiler and pressure vessels:
NF A 36-206
15CD4-05 – 10CD9-10
DIN 17155 and 17245
10 Cr Mo 9.10 – 10 Cr Si Mo V7
24 CrMo V55 – 12 Cr Mo 9.10 GS 12 Cr MO 9.10…
1501 Gr 622 to 1504 Gr 622, BS 359 Gr 622/640 1503 Gr 660, 1504Gr 660
A 387 GrD – A 335 GrP 22 – A 213 GrT 22, T36
Nuance Vallourec: Chromesco 3
FCW Sub 904LS
Aleaciones inoxidables Enchapado |
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: EC385 |
EN ISO 17633-A: T Z 20 25 5 Cu L M NO 3 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=placage | Enchapado
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=sous_flux | Arco Sumergido (SAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: EC385 EN ISO 17633-A: T Z 20 25 5 Cu L M NO 3 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4519
Metal cored stainless steel wire for submerged arc welding
Metal cored stainless steel wire for submerged arc welding
20% chromium - 25% nickel - 4.5% molybdenum - 1.5% copper - low carbon deposit
Attractive bead appearance without residual slag, outstanding slag release even in narrow gaps
High productivity and enhanced wetting properties compared to matching solid wires
Mineral additions to the core improve both mechanical characteristics and resistance to cracking
Welds well with submerged arc flux (consult us)
FCW Sub 904LS is suitable for welding and cladding stainless steels of similar composition and for dissimilar welds between these steels and mild, low alloy and other stainless steels. It is an alternative choice to overmatch leaner alloys such as 317LN, 1.4439 etc.
Material number
EN Symbol
1. 4500
GX7 NiCrMoCuNb 25-20
1. 4505
X4 NiCrMoCuNb 20-18-2
1. 4506
X5 NiCrMoCuTi 20-18
1. 4536
GX2 NiCrMoCuN 25-20
1. 4539
X1 NiCrMoCu 25-20-5
1. 4585
GX7 CrNiMoCuNb 18-18
MS 21S
Acero sin alear |
AWS A 5.1: E 6013 |
EN ISO 2560: E 513 RR 22 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
NFA 81-309: E 513/2 RR 22 AWS A 5.1: E 6013 BS 639: E 5132 RR 22 EN ISO 2560: E 513 RR 22 DIN 1913: E 5132 RR 6
Rutile electrode with very thick coating
Thick coated electrode destined to flat- or fillet welding when a nice aspect of the bead is searched - concave bead in angle - very soft fusion and self releasing slag - supports high current.
Frequently used for final passes.
Aleaciones de cobre |
AWS: ~ERCuAl-A2 |
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_cuivreux | Aleaciones de cobre
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
DIN 1733: ~CuAl10Fe EN 14640: ~S Cu 6240 (CuAl11Fe) Werkstoff Nr: ~2.0937 AWS: ~ERCuAl-A2
Joining of Cu-Al-alloys and Cu-Al-alloys. Surfacing un- and low-alloyed steels and steel casts.
FCW 4648
Enchapado Aleaciones de níquel Mantenimiento y reparación |
AWS A 5.34: ENiCrFe-2* |
EN ISO 14172: ENi6082* |
cat=placage | Enchapado
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.34: ENiCrFe-2* EN ISO 14172: ENi6082* Werkstoff Nr.: 2.4648 : *There is no EN ISO classification system available for nickel-base flux-cored wires. The deposit meets the composition requirements and mechanical properties of the corresponding nickel-base SMAW electrodes.
· Flux cored nickel base wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
· Latest generation basic slag quality guarantees optimum metallurgical quality and attractive welder appeal
· Together with enhanced productivity, FCW 4648 offers many other advantages compared to solid wires : enhanced wetting properties, increased resistance to cracking, better bead aspect and shape, use of classical M21 gas mixtures
· Maximum performances in the horizontal and downhand positions
· FCW 4648 is suitable for welding and cladding nickel-based alloys such as alloy 600 or similar materials.
· It is also used for dissimilar welding of most nickel-based alloys to each other, to alloyed steels, or to stainless steels.
· It is a first choice consumable for heterogeneous weldments between creep-resisting ferritic steels and austenitic steels for use at high temperatures. If necessary, stress relief may be carried out.
· Repair welding on “hard-to-weld” steels
Abrafil CT
Aceros desgastados |
AWS A5.28 : ER80S-G |
cat=aciers_patinable | Aceros desgastados
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.28 : ER80S-G EN 12534 : G Mn3Ni1Cu
Filler metal used for welding all steels resistant to atmospheric corrosion (industrial, sea, rural).
Principal applications: public buildings, department of civil engineering, navy, tanks, water tower, bridges, crash barrier, electrical pylons.
The welding of :
DIN 17119WT St37.2-WT St37.3-WT St52.3
Arbed: Ar' corox: 26/3 - 36/1 - 36/3Hoesch HRL: 37, 37 extra, 52, 52 extra.
Mannesman: Acor 37-2, 37-3, 52-S, 52-3Thyssen: Patinax 37, Patinax 37-3.
Aleaciones de níquel Mantenimiento y reparación Fonte |
AWS A 5.15: E Ni-CI |
EN ISO 1071: E C Ni-CI 3 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
cat=fonte | Fonte
NF A 81-342: E Ni BG 11 AWS A 5.15: E Ni-CI DIN 8573: E Ni BG 11 EN ISO 1071: E C Ni-CI 3
Pure nickel electrode
Electrode with a graphite-basic coating. Weld deposit consists of pure nickel. Recommended for cold welding and repairing of grey cast iron, repairing of cracks. Homogeneous and easy to machine deposit. Good bonding and flow of the weld metal.
Main applications:
Repairing of engine blocks, frames of tool machines, gearboxes, reducing pieces, valve and pump bodies.
Grey cast iron to different steels:
NF A 32-101
FGL 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400
NF A 32-201
FGS 370-17, 400-12, 500-7, 600-3, 700-2
NF A 32-702
MN 350-10, 380-18, 450-6, 350-4, 650-3
DIN 1691
CG-14, 18, 25, 30
DIN 1693
GGG-40, 50, 60, 70
DIN 1692
GTS-35, 45, 55, 65, 70
Abranel 600HR
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aleaciones de níquel |
AWS A5.11: E NiCrFe-2 |
EN ISO 14172: E-Ni 6092 (NiCr16Fe12NbMo) |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
AWS A5.11: E NiCrFe-2 UNS: W86133 DIN 1736: EL- NiCr 15 FeNb EN ISO 14172: E-Ni 6092 (NiCr16Fe12NbMo)
Basic coated NiCrFe- electrode for alternative current
Basic coated electrode with 150% recovery, for welding Nickel-Chromium-Iron alloys to themselves and to lower alloyed steels as well as for welding cryogenic 5 and 9% Ni-steels and high temperature steels, for CrMo-creep resistant steels to stainless steels, for repair on HK and HP reformer grades.
The electrode is especially designed to weld with alternating current.
Alloys Nr.
GX40CrNiSi25 20
GX40NiCrNb35 25
FCW S 22 9 3L
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex Aceros de alta aleación |
AWS A 5.22: E2209T0-4 / E2209T0-1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_duplex_et_super_duplex | Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex
cat=aciers_hautement_allie | Aceros de alta aleación
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: E2209T0-4 / E2209T0-1 EN 12073: T 22 9 3 N L R M 3 / T 22 9 3 N L R C 3
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
• 22% chromium - 9% nickel - 3% molybdenum - nitrogen - low carbon duplex stainless steel deposit
• Exceptional resistance to moisture pick up
• Attractive bead appearance, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Maximum performances in the horizontal and downhand positions
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
Welding wrought, forged or cast duplex stainless steels for service in the as-welded condition Heterogeneous welding between duplex stainless steels and other stainless and mild or low alloyed steels
Abratig 22.9.3L
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex Aceros de baja aleación Acero sin alear |
AWS A5.9: ER2209 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=up | UP
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=aciers_duplex_et_super_duplex | Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
cat=tig | TIG
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
AWS A5.9: ER2209 DIN 8559 : SG-X2 CrNiMoN22 9 EN 12072 : G 22 9 3 NL Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4462
TIG duplex
Low carbon filler metal used for “Duplex” welding steels (austenitic-ferritic).
Resistant to severe corrosive environments (inter crystalline attack, pitting corrosion, crevice, stress corrosion)
Pumps, vessels, pumping systems attacked by chloride containing solutions (sea water)
W - Nr.
329 LN
X2 Cr NIMoN22 53
X4 CrNiMoN27 52
X2 CrNiMoSi 19 5
X4 CrNiMoNb 25 7
G - X6 CrNiMo 24 82
G - X8 CrNi 26 7
35 N
FCW S 310
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas |
AWS A 5.22:: (E310T0-4 - E310T0-1) nearest |
EN ISO 17633-A: T 25 20 R M 3 - T 25 20 R C 3 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22:: (E310T0-4 - E310T0-1) nearest EN ISO 17633-A: T 25 20 R M 3 - T 25 20 R C 3 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4842
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• 25% chromium - 20% nickel deposit
• High manganese ensures freedom from hot cracking under restraint
• Attractive bead appearance, automatic slag release, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Maximum performances in the horizontal and downhand positions
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
FCW S 310 is resistant to oxidation and scaling up to 1100°C. It is suitable for welding cast or wrought stainless steels of similar composition and heat resistant ferritic stainless steels.
Abracrom 4462MoB
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A5.4: E 2594-15 |
EN ISO 3581-A : E 25 9 4 N LB 4 2 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_duplex_et_super_duplex | Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
AWS A5.4: E 2594-15 EN ISO 3581-A : E 25 9 4 N LB 4 2
Stainless electrode for super duplex steels
Rutile-basic electrode with an austenitic- ferritic microstructure (super duplex). The weld metal can be applied for operation temperatures up to 250°C and is resistant in chloride containing media, like sea water, against pitting corrosion as well as crevice and stress corrosion. Easy to weld in all positions, except vertical down. Stable arc, regular drop transfer, easy slag removal, finely rippled weld beads.
Main applications:
For butt welding and cladding of steels and castings with an austenitic - ferritic structure, which are used for pumps, vessels, piping systems etc. attacked by chloride containing solutions. But also for impellers and other components which require high strength combined with corrosion attack.
EN 10088
Material N°
G-X2CrNiMoCuN26 6 3
X2CrNiMoCuW25 7 4
Abratig Titane2
Aleaciones de titanio |
AWS A5.16: ERTI-2 |
ISO 24034: Ti 0120 (Ti 99.6) |
cat=alliages_de_titane | Aleaciones de titanio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=tig | TIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.16: ERTI-2 ISO 24034: Ti 0120 (Ti 99.6) AMS: 4951
Filler metal used for welding of pure titanium Grade 2 type
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aceros de baja aleación |
AWS A 5.5: E 8018-B2 |
EN ISO 3580: E 1 Cr Mo B 20 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
NFA 81-345: E C1 Cr Mo B 120 20 BH AWS A 5.5: E 8018-B2 BS 2493: 1 Cr Mo BH EN ISO 3580: E 1 Cr Mo B 20 DIN 8575: E Cr Mo 1 B 20 +
Basic coated electrode for creep resisting steels
Low hydrogen basic coated electrode with Cr and Mo for welding creep resisting steels (1% Cr - 0.5% Mo). Resistant to high temperature up to 500-550°C. For piping systems, boilers, overeaters. Soft fusion, good slag removal. Nice aspect of the weld bead.
Main applications: petrochemical industry and chemical industry.
Steels and pipes for boilers and pressure vessels:
EN : 15Cr3 – 16 MnCr 5 – 20 MnCr 5 – 24 CrMo 5 – 15 CrMo 5 - 13 CrMo 4 4 - 22 CrMo 4 4 – GS 17 CrMo 5 5
Werkstoff N° : 1.7015 – 1.7131 – 1.7147 – 1.7223 – 1.7225 – 1.7258 - 1.7262 – 1.7335 – 1.7337 – 1.7350 – 1.7357
ASTM : A335 Gr.P12 – A387 Gr.12Cl2 – A193 Gr B7 – A182 Gr F11 A336 Gr F12 – A217 Gr WC6
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aceros para herramientas Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_pour_outillage | Aceros para herramientas
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=sous_flux | Arco Sumergido (SAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T Fe3
ored wire - Hardfacing
• Tubular wire for submerged arc hardfacing
• Martensitic alloy used in applications where greater hardness of the weld metal is required up to 500°C
• Outstanding resistance to low stress abrasion with heavy impact and high compressive stresses
•FCW W S is used for surfacing parts subjected to heavy compressive stresses and moderate abrasion or metal-to-metal wear, combined with mechanical and thermal shocks.
• Pre-heat is an essential requirement to prevent hot cracking. The level of preheat is a function of the size and geometry of the component to be hardfaced and its chemical composition. Large build-ups are recommended to be stress-relieved. Avoid excessive build up thickness (use FCW WLC for rebuilding and FCW W for the cap layer).
Examples Refurbishing of steel mill rolls, crane wheels, hot work extrusion mandrels, crushing hammers, shear knives, pulleys, and winches
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex |
AWS A 5.22: ~ E2553T0-4 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_duplex_et_super_duplex | Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: ~ E2553T0-4 EN 12073: T Z 25 9 4 Cu N L Z M 3
• Basic flux cored super duplex stainless steel wire
• 25% chromium - 9% nickel - 4% molybdenum - copper - nitrogen - low carbon deposit
• Exclusive slag system and fine tuning of the compositional balance insure good impact toughness levels
• PREN > 40, CPT tested at 45°C
• Excellent weld metal quality and X-ray soundness
• Maximum performances in the horizontal and downhand positions
• Classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures are used for welding
Welding super duplex grades in downhand and flat position when increased impact toughness is required. Heterogeneous welding between super duplex stainless steels and other stainless and mild or low alloyed steels
FCW Sub 22 9 3LG
Aleaciones inoxidables Enchapado Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex |
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: EC2209 ASME IIC SFA 5.9 / AWS A 5.9: EC2209 |
EN ISO 17633-A: T 22 9 3 N L M M12 1 EN ISO 17633-B: TS2209-M M12 1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=placage | Enchapado
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_duplex_et_super_duplex | Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: EC2209 ASME IIC SFA 5.9 / AWS A 5.9: EC2209 EN ISO 17633-A: T 22 9 3 N L M M12 1 EN ISO 17633-B: TS2209-M M12 1 UNS Number: S39209
Metal cored duplex stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
· Metal cored duplex stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
· 22% chromium - 9% nickel - 3% molybdenum - low carbon - nitrogen bearing weld metal
· Enhanced productivity, improved weldability, better wetting properties compared to solid wires
· Excellent weld metal quality and X-ray soundness
· Nitrogen free classical shielding gases are used for welding
Welding wrought, forged or cast duplex stainless steels for service in the as-welded condition Heterogeneous welding between duplex stainless steels and other stainless and mild or low alloyed steels
Material number
EN Symbol
1. 4462
X2CrNiMoN 22-5-3
1. 4362
X2CrNiN 23 4
Recargue Aceros de baja aleación |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T Fe1
Tubular wire for self-shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Tubular wire for self-shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Hardfacing or rebuilding components subject to metal-metal wear and moderate abrasion
• Machinable deposit
FCW PO is used for hardfacing and multi-layer build up work. Preheat is required for multi-layer build-up work
Tractor rollers, tractor idlers, shovel rollers, crane wheels, mine car wheels, cable drums, cable sheaves, steel mill table rolls and other steel mill applications, shovel track pad, stacker wheels etc.
Aceros Manganeso Recargue Mantenimiento y reparación |
cat=aciers_au_manganese | Aceros Manganeso
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
DIN 8555: MF 7-GF-250/50-CKNPR
Cored wire for self shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Cored wire for self shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Austenitic deposit with excellent work hardening properties
FCW AP O produces an austenitic and non magnetic weld deposit which has excellent work hardening properties. The degree of work hardening is dependent on the amount of impact on the rebuilt component. It is used for rebuilding components exposed to high impact or heavy loads and can be used on ferritic and austenitic steels including “Hadfield” manganese steel. Deposit can be multi-layered
Railroad frogs, crusher rolls, hammers, steel mill rolls and all components where a work hardening deposit is desirable.
Aceros tenaces a frio |
AWS A 5.29: E81T1-Ni1MJH4 |
EN ISO 17632-A: T 50 4 1Ni P M 1 EN ISO 17632-B: T554T1-1MA-UN2 H5 |
cat=aciers_tenace_a_froid | Aceros tenaces a frio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.29: E81T1-Ni1MJH4 EN ISO 17632-A: T 50 4 1Ni P M 1 EN ISO 17632-B: T554T1-1MA-UN2 H5 ASME IX Qualification: QW-432 F-N° 6 / QW-442 A-N° 10
• Seamless high fill copper coated rutile cored wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
• 1 % nickel alloyed to improve sub-zero impact strength
• Single and multipass welding of cold tough steels
• High deposition rate welding can be carried out in all positions without the need to change parameters
• No moisture pick up, excellent wire feeding properties, good weldability and low spatter
Construction steels EN 10025 S235JR to S355K2G4
Fine-grained steels EN 10028-3 P275N, NH, NL1, NL2 to P460N, NH, NL1, NL2
Fine-grained steels EN 10113 S275N to S460N, S275M to S460ML
Pressure vessel steels EN 10028-2 P235GH to P355GH
Pipe steels EN 10208 L240NB to L445NB
Pipe steels API 5LX X42, X46, X 52, X60, X65
Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E, A32/36 to F40
Shipbuilding steels ISO/TR 15608: Groups 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1 and 3.1
Aceros tenaces a frio |
AWS A 5.29: E80T5-G H4 |
EN ISO 17632-B: T556T5-0MA-N3-H5 EN ISO 17632-A: T 46 6 1Ni B M 3 H5 |
cat=aciers_tenace_a_froid | Aceros tenaces a frio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN ISO 17632-B: T556T5-0MA-N3-H5 EN ISO 17632-A: T 46 6 1Ni B M 3 H5 AWS A 5.29: E80T5-G H4
• Seamless high fill copper coated basic cored tubular wire for semi-automatic gas shielded arc welding
• 1 % nickel alloyed to improve sub-zero impact strength
• Single and multipass welding of cold tough / fine-grained steels
• Optimal productivity by combining advantages of both seamless and seamed tubular wires
• HDM guaranteed < 4 ml/ 100g deposited metal on the whole parameter box
• No moisture pick up, excellent wire feeding properties, good weldability and low spatter
Fine-grained, cold tough (down to -60°) and high yield strength steels (up to 550 MPa)
Construction steels EN 10025 S235JR to S355K2G4
Fine-grained steels EN 10028-3 P275N, NH, NL1, NL2 to P460N, NH, NL1, NL2
Fine-grained steels EN 10113 S275N to S460N, S275M to S460ML
Pressure vessel steels EN 10028-2 P235GH to P355GH
Pipe steels EN 10208 L240NB to L445NB API 5LX X42, X46, X 52, X60, X65
Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E, A32/36 to F40
Shipbuilding steels ISO/TR 15608: Groups 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1 and 3.1
FCW V 347H
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas |
AWS A 5.22: E347T1-1/4 |
EN ISO 17633-A: T 19 9 Nb P M 1 - T 19 9 Nb P C 1 EN ISO 17633-B: TS347-FB1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: E347T1-1/4 EN ISO 17633-A: T 19 9 Nb P M 1 - T 19 9 Nb P C 1 EN ISO 17633-B: TS347-FB1
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• 19% chromium - 9% nickel - niobium stabilised - high carbon deposit
• Attractive bead appearance, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Specifically designed for out-of-position welding • Maximum productivity for completion of vertical welds
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
FCW V 347H is suitable for welding stabilised stainless steels containing 16 to 21% Cr and 8 to 13% Ni.
Material number
EN Symbol
X8 CrNiTi 18-10
X8 CrNiNb 16-13
Fonte |
EN ISO 1071: T C NiFe2 |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=fonte | Fonte
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
EN ISO 1071: T C NiFe2
Cast iron
· Flux cored wire for semi-automatic self shielded arc welding
· Designed for welding grey, malleable, nodular and phosphorous cast iron.
· Also used to for dissimilar weldments between cast iron and steel.
· Welding of highly restrained or thick walled pieces
· Preheat is not necessary. Heat input is low which favours limited H.A.Z.
· Joining and repairing all types of cast iron
FCW 414-S
Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=sous_flux | Arco Sumergido (SAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
DIN 8555: UP5-GF-40-C
Tubular wire for submerged arc hardfacing. Martensitic stainless steel deposit alloyed with Ni and Mo
•Tubular wire for submerged arc hardfacing
•Martensitic stainless steel deposit alloyed with Ni and Mo
•Hardfacing parts undergoing corrosion, erosion, abrasive wear and thermal shocks
Examples Continuous casting rolls
FCW Sub 316L
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A 5.22: EC316L |
EN ISO 17633-A: T 19 12 3 L M M 1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=sous_flux | Arco Sumergido (SAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
AWS A 5.22: EC316L EN ISO 17633-A: T 19 12 3 L M M 1
• Metal cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• 19% chromium - 12% nickel - 3% molybdenum - low carbon deposit
• Enhanced productivity, improved weldability, better wetting properties compared to solid wires
• Excellent weld metal quality and X-ray soundness
FCW Sub 316L is suitable for welding stainless steels with an alloy content between 16 to 21% Cr, 6 to 13% Ni and up to 3% Mo, stabilised and unstabilised types
RD 3
Aceros Manganeso Recargue Aceros austeníticos |
cat=aciers_au_manganese | Aceros Manganeso
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=electrodes_tubulaires | Electrodos tubular
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
Tubular electrode for hardfacing (mineral abrasion)
Tubular electrode filled with chromium carbide powder. Deposit highly resistant to abrasion and mineral erosion. High amount of Cr carbides in an austenitic matrix, very compact. To consume with very low current. Agreeable melting. No slag. Deposit not machinable. Possibility to increase deposition by introducing a second electrode in the arc (double the recommended current). Surfacing of all austenitic and Mn steels types, grey cast iron (without any preheating), tool steels or high alloyed steels (in this case, carry out a cushion layer with 29/9 or 18/8Mn electrodes).
General applications: For agriculture, cement industries, quarries, brickyards, civil engineering, for screws of brick press, for excavating jars, ...
Abracast 11 S
Fonte |
AWS A 5.15: E NiFe-CI |
EN ISO 1071 : E C NiFe-Cl 3 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=fonte | Fonte
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
NF A 81-342: E NiFe BG 21 AWS A 5.15: E NiFe-CI DIN 8573: E NiFe-1 BG21 EN ISO 1071 : E C NiFe-Cl 3
“Bimetal“ electrode for cast iron welding
Graphite-basic coating and «Bimetal» core wire with high electrical conductivity. The «Bimetal» core wire authorize very important fusion speeds with direct current as well as alternative current without any overheating risks of the electrode (phenomenon often notice with conventional Ferro-Nickel).
For repair and construction welding on all cast iron types and dissimilar joints between cast iron and steels.
Grey cast iron, malleable, nodular:
NFA 32-101: FGL 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400
NFA 32-201: FGS 370-17, 400-12, 500-7, 600-3, 700-2
NFA 32-702: MN 350-10, 380-18, 450-6, 350-4, 650-3
DIN 1691: CG-14, 18, 25, 30
DIN 1693: GGG-40, 50, 60, 70
DIN 1692: GTS-35, 45, 55, 65, 70
Abracrom 308Mo
Aleaciones inoxidables Mantenimiento y reparación |
AWS A5.4 : E 308Mo - 17 |
ISO 3581-A: E 20 10 3 R 3 2 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
AWS A5.4 : E 308Mo - 17 ISO 3581-A: E 20 10 3 R 3 2 EN 1600: E 20 10 3 R 3 2
Stainless electrode for repairing
Rutile-basic coated stainless steel type electrode with an austenitic-ferritic structure used to weld dissimilar joints between construction / mild steels and stainless steels. Due to its high level of delta ferrite ( ~25% ) also used as an universal repairing electrode in maintenance welding. Highly crack resistant. Soft fusion, nice aspect of the beads, slag lifts by itself.
EN 10088
Material N°
UGINOX 17-10 M
G-X5CrNiMo 19-11-2
X10CrNiMoTi 18-12
G-X5CrNiMoNb 19-11-2
X10NiCrMoNb 18-12
+ for dissimilar joints between low alloy/mild steels and stainless steels.
Abrafil 312
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aceros para herramientas |
AWS A5.9 : ER 312 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=up | UP
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=mig | MIG
cat=aciers_pour_outillage | Aceros para herramientas
AWS A5.9 : ER 312 DIN 8556 : SGX10CrNi30 9 EN 12072 : W 29 9 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4337
Filler metal used for welding of dissimilar steels with an austenitic-ferritic stainless steel deposit. Well adapted for steels difficult to weld as tool steels, molded steels, high strength steels, piston rod, … Metal deposit highly resistant to cracks, oxidation, suitable for buffer layers before hardfacing and for building up cutting tools.
W. - Nr.
X10 CrAl 24
G - X70 Cr 29
G - X32 CrNi 28 10
G - X40 CrNi 27 4
G - X8 CrNi 26 7
FCW S 312-O
Enchapado Mantenimiento y reparación |
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: E312T0-3 |
cat=placage | Enchapado
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: E312T0-3 EN 12073: T 29 9 U N 3
Special flux cored self shielded stainless steel wire for open arc welding
•Special flux cored self shielded stainless steel wire for open arc welding
•29% chromium - 9% nickel deposit
•Sound deposits are obtained even in the presence of cross draughts
•Primary choice for cladding and rebuilding application
•Suited for joining
•Provides maximum productivity for outdoor jobs
•The weld deposit workhardens and gives good wear and friction resistance
The FCW S series of wires is designed for on-site weld surfacing, repair and assembly of stainless steels. Good quality welds may be obtained, even when they are used in difficult weather conditions.
•Welding stainless steels of similar composition or ferritic stainless steels.
•Joining stainless steels to mild and low-alloyed steels.
•Buffer layers before hardsurfacing.
•Maintenance on « hard-to-weld steels ».
•Welding high carbon hardenable steels, of known or unknown composition and generally most of steels subject to cracking such as tool steels, manganese steels, spring steels and high-speed steels.
MS 180
Acero sin alear |
AWS A5.1: E 7024 |
EN ISO 2560: E 512 RR 180 32 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
AWS A5.1: E 7024 EN 499: E 42 0 RR 7 4 EN ISO 2560: E 512 RR 180 32
Rutile electrode high efficiency
High efficiency rutile electrode (180%) - for a high deposition rate, long beads and a nice aspect of the weld seams -soft fusion and self releasing slag.
Frequently use for butt-welding plates with a heavy thickness and fillet welds.
Construction steels for general use :
NF A 35-501 : A33.A34-2.E24-2, 3. E28-2, 3. E30-2, 3. A50-2
DIN 17100 : St33-1. St37-2, 3.St44-2, 3. St50-2
ASTM : A283grB, C, D. A570gr30,33,40
Tube steels and ship steels:
NF A 36-205 : A37CP, A42CP, A48CP
DIN 17155 : HI, HII, HIII, 17Mn 4
ASTM : A414grC, D, E, F. A442gr55, 60. A514grC, D, E, F. A515gr55, 60, 65, 70. A285grC
Abratig NiTi
Aleaciones de níquel |
AWS A5.14: ER Ni 1 |
cat=up | UP
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=tig | TIG
AWS A5.14: ER Ni 1 DIN 1736: SG-Ni Ti 4 EN 18274: S-NiTi3 Ni2061 Werkstoff Nr.: 2.4155
Filler metal used for welding pure Nickel grades, types : 200, Ni 201, Ni 99.2, LC-Ni99. Also used in heterogeneous welding of steel on Nickel or cupro-Nickel alloys
Applications: chemical and Power Industry, sub-assembly layer
Ni 99.2
LC Ni 99
LC Ni 99.6
Ni 99.6
Ni 99.8
Ni 99.4Fe/ Ni Mn 3AL
2.4062/ 2.4122
Ni Mn 1/ Ni Mn 5
2.4106/ 2.4116
Ni Mn 2/ Ni AL 4 Ti
2.4110/ 2.4128
Recargue Aceros de baja aleación |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
cat=sans_gaz | Autoprotección (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
DIN 8555: MF 1-GF-350-P EN 14700: T Fe1
Tubular wire for self-shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Tubular wire for self-shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Low alloy steel weld deposit for heavy multi-layer build-up work on carbon steel parts
FCW TO is used for rebuilding and surfacing components subject to metal-metal wear and moderate abrasion. The weld deposit is machinable.
Build up of earthmoving equipment such as tractor rollers, idlers, chains and drive sprockets, excavator pads, electric shovel track carrier rolls, steel shafts, gears, crane wheels, steel mill rolls, mine car wheels, dredge pins, dredge links, mixer parts, rail car couplings, steel mill roll couplings and any components subject to metal-metal wear.
AWS A 5.1: E 6010 |
EN ISO 2560-A: E 35 2 C 21 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
NFA 81-309: E 433/2 C 10 AWS A 5.1: E 6010 BS 639: E 433 C 10 EN ISO 2560-A: E 35 2 C 21 DIN 1913: E 43 43 C 4 EN 499: E 42 3 C 25
Cellulosic electrode
Cellulosic electrode for pipe welding in vertical down position. Particularly recommended for root passes. Very good behaviour on bad prepared joints (rust, painting...).
Very thin slag.
Construction steels for general use :
NF A 35-501 : A 33. A34-2. E24-2,3. E28-2,3. E30-2,3. A50-2*. A60-2* ,3*
DIN 17100 : St33-1. St37-2,3. St44-2,3*. St50-2*. St60-2*.
ASTM : A283grB, C, D. A570gr30, 33, 40, 50*. A 709gr50.
Tube steels:
DIN 17172, 17175, 1629 : StE 210-7 ; 240-7 ; 290-7 ; 320-7 ; St35 ; St35-4,8 ; St45 ; St45-4,8 ; St52* ; St52-4*.
API SPEC 5L : X42, X46, X52
Ship steels : Quality A and B
Steels for boilers and pressure vessels :
NF A 36-205 : A37CP, A42CP, A48CP, A52CP*.
DIN 17155 : HI, HII, HIII.
ASTM : A414grC, D, E, F. A442gr55, 60. A514grC, D, E, F. A515gr55, 60, 65, 70. A285grC.
Steels with high elastic limit :
NF A 36-203 : E275D, E335D*.
DIN 17 102 : EStE255, 315, 355*.
(*)with eventual pre- and post weld heat treatment in the case of heavy thickness.
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 12073: T Z 22 10 N H P M 1 – T Z 22 10 N H P C 1
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
• Specially designed for heat resisting applications
• Attractive bead appearance, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Specifically designed for out-of-position welding, maximum productivity for completion of vertical welds
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures
FCW V 309HT weld metal has a scaling temperature beyond 1000°C. The controlled carbon and ferrite levels improve microstructural stability and high temperature strength compared to the 309(L) types whereas the lower nickel content provides better resistance against sulphur attack than the 310 grade.
Examples of alloys to be welded
Material number
EN Symbol
X15 CrNiSi 20-12
X4 CrNiSiN 18 10
X8 CrNiSiN 21 11
Corstel 6A
Recargue Lucha contra la abrasión |
AWS A5.13: E Co Cr-A |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=anti_abrasion | Lucha contra la abrasión
AWS A5.13: E Co Cr-A DIN 8555: E20-UM-45-CRTZ
“Grade 6” type base cobalt hardfacing electrode for refilling
Hardfacing electrode with a rutile-basic coating. Cobalt base deposit of « stellite grade 6 » type (Co-Cr-W). The deposit is highly resistant to metal-metal wear and to corrosion up to 800°C. High resistance to thermal and mechanical shocks. Good aptitude to polishing and to machining - Soft arc - Easy to remove slag, regular and smooth weld profile.
Hardfacing of valves, valve seats and sealing surfaces, hot shears blades, hot pressing tools, beaters for coke pulverises
* Note: "Stellite" is a trade mark of Deloro Stellite (Haynes International).
MS 46
Acero sin alear |
AWS A 5.1: E 6013 |
EN ISO 2560-A: E 42 0 RC 11 |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
NFA 81-309: E 513/2 RR 12 AWS A 5.1: E 6013 BS 639: E 5132 R 12 EN ISO 2560-A: E 42 0 RC 11 DIN 1913: E 4322 R ( C ) 3
Rutile electrode vertical down
Universal rutile cellulosic electrode especially elaborated for welding in vertical down position. Good penetration, regular weld beads and a little bit convex in flat position, self releasing slag in vertical down position. Destined for general construction works where the majority of welds are executed in vertical down position, but also used as universal electrode.
Main applications: For metal constructions, blacksmithing and maintenance works, frame, piping...
Construction steels for general use:
NF A 35-501 : A33.A34-2.E24-2, 3. E28-2, 3. E30-2, 3. A50-2*.
DIN 17100 : St33-1.St37-2, 3.St44-2, 3*. St50-2*.
ASTM : A283grB, C, D. A570gr30,33,40.
Tube steels:
DIN 17172, 17175, 1629 : StE 210-7 ; 240-7 ; 290-7 ; 320-7 ; St35 ; St35-4 ; 8.St45 ; St45-4 ; 8.St52 ; St52-4.
API SPEC 5L : X42, X46, X52.
Ship steels: Quality A, B et D.
Steels for boilers and pressure vessels:
NF A 36-205 : A37CP, A42CP, A48CP.
DIN 17155 : HI, HII, HIII, 17Mn 4.
ASTM : A414grC, D, E, F. A442gr55, 60. A514grC, D, E, F. A515gr55, 60, 65, 70. A285grC.
(*)with eventual pre- and post weld heat treatment in the case of heavy thickness.
Aceros tenaces a frio Aceros de alto límite de elasticidad Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aceros de baja aleación |
AWS A 5.5 : E 9018-D1 |
EN ISO 18275-A : E 55 4 MnMo B 4 2 H5 |
cat=aciers_tenace_a_froid | Aceros tenaces a frio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_a_haute_limite_elastique | Aceros de alto límite de elasticidad
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
NFA 81-340 : EY 55 2Mn Mo B110 26 BH AWS A 5.5 : E 9018-D1 BS 2493 : 2Mn Mo BH DIN 8529: EY 5565 Mn Mo BH 526 EN ISO 18275-A : E 55 4 MnMo B 4 2 H5
High strength basic electrode
Low hydrogen basic coated electrode with high yield strength for welding fine grain steels applied at temperatures between -50 to +500°C. Thermal treated low alloyed steels with C-Mn.
Resistant to fatigue - corrosion in the presence of phosphorus and sulphur.
Construction steels for general use :
NF A 35-501 :A50.2. A60.2.
DIN 17100 :St60-2.St 70-2.
Steels for boilers and pressure vessels :
NF A 36-207 : A550AP, FP. A590AP,PP.
NF A 36-205 : A37 CP, AP, FP, à A52 CP, AP, FP.
DIN 17155 : HI à HIV, 19Mn6, 19Mn5, 17Mn4.
High strength steels :
DIN 17102: StE255 à 380.
Heat resisting steels :WstE255 à 380
Cold tough steels : TstE255 à 380.
FCW S 308H
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas |
AWS A 5.22: E308HT0-4 - E308HT0-1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: E308HT0-4 - E308HT0-1 EN 12073: T 19 9 H R M 3 - T 19 9 H R C 3
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
• 19% chromium - 9% nickel - high carbon deposit
• Exceptional resistance to moisture pick up
• Attractive bead appearance, automatic slag release, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Maximum performances in the horizontal and downhand positions
• Can be used out of position
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
FCW S 308H is suitable for welding 304H and 304H derivatives that operate at temperatures up to 750°C.
FCW Sub D57L
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex |
AWS A 5.22: EC2553 |
EN ISO 17633-A: T Z 25 9 4 Cu N L M M 1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_duplex_et_super_duplex | Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex
cat=sous_flux | Arco Sumergido (SAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
AWS A 5.22: EC2553 EN ISO 17633-A: T Z 25 9 4 Cu N L M M 1
• Metal cored super duplex stainless steel wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
• 25% chromium - 9% nickel - 4% molybdenum - copper - nitrogen - low carbon deposit
• Enhanced productivity, improved weldability, better wetting properties compared to solid wires
• Excellent weld metal quality and X-ray soundness
• Nitrogen free classical shielding gases are used for welding
Welding super duplex grades in downhand and flat position when increased impact toughness is required.
Heterogeneous welding between super duplex stainless steels and other stainless and mild or low alloyed steels
Abratig Cu
Aleaciones de cobre |
AWS A5.7: ERCu |
ISO 24373: S Cu 1898 (CuSn1) |
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_cuivreux | Aleaciones de cobre
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=tig | TIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.7: ERCu ISO 24373: S Cu 1898 (CuSn1) Werkstoff Nr.: 2.1006
Solid rod for TIG welding of oxygen free Copper and Cooper alloys. Good flow and porosity free weld seams due to the alloying with Tin. The melting temperature is relatively low and projections are minor.
If a high electrical conductivity is required use TIG CuAg.
Nickel Aluminum 80/20 wire
Thermal Spray Recargue Mantenimiento y reparación |
EN ISO 14919 - 6 - 1,6 - 4: |
cat=thermal_spray | Thermal Spray
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
EN ISO 14919 - 6 - 1,6 - 4:
Flux cored wire for Thermal Spray application
Bond coat used for ceramics. Corrosion resistant protective coatings with presence of Chlorides and resistance at high temperatures up to about 980°C under aggressive environment. High bond strength, can be machined. Coating thickness from 0,1 mm – 0,25 mm as bond coat beneath ceramics. Made exclusively for arc spraying, but may also sprayed by wire- and high-velocity-wire-flame-spraying.
Application for components of chemical plants or food industry
Abracut S
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
Chamfering electrode
Electrode for chamfering, grooving and gouging all metals, including stainless steels, cast iron and Cu alloys. Strong blowing characteristic to remove metal with high efficiency, smooth and uniform cut. Surface carburized, therefore remove 0,1mm by grinding if necessary.
Elimination of screws, rivets, welding beads,...
Chamfering of foundry defects or cracks before repair welding.
Chamfering of hardfacing deposits or hardened steels.
Abrafil 625
Aleaciones de níquel Aceros de baja aleación Acero sin alear |
AWS A5.14: ER NiCrMo–3 |
cat=up | UP
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=mig | MIG
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
AWS A5.14: ER NiCrMo–3 DIN1736: SG–NiCr–21 Mo 9 Nb EN 18274: S-NiCr22Mo9Nb Ni6625 Werkstoff Nr.: 2.4831
Filler metal used is suitable for joining nickelchromiummolybdenum nickel alloys and chromiumnickelmolybdenum steels with very high corrosion resistance, such as Sandvik 254 SMO* , Sanicro 63 and corresponding grades. Good resistance to various types of corrosion.
Applications: Cryogenics (9% Ni steels), device under oxidizing or corrosive attacks, aeronautics.
W. - Nr.
X10 NiCrAITi32 20
* 254 SMO is a trademark owned by Outokumpu OY.
FCW V 625
Aleaciones de níquel |
AWS A 5.34: ENiCrMo3T1-4 AWS A 5.34M: TNi6625-14 / TNi6625-11 |
EN ISO 12153: T Ni6625(NiCr22Mo9Nb) |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.34: ENiCrMo3T1-4 AWS A 5.34M: TNi6625-14 / TNi6625-11 EN ISO 12153: T Ni6625(NiCr22Mo9Nb)
Cored welding wire
- Flux cored nickel base wire for gas shielded arc welding
- Meets the NiCrMo-3 requirements
- Designed for all-position operability
FCW V 625 is suitable for welding and cladding nickel-based alloys such as alloy 625 or similar materials.
It is also used for dissimilar welding of nickel based alloys to each other, to alloyed steels or to stainless steels and for joining 6% molybdenum super austenitic steels or 9 % nickel steel.
CSS 309 S
Aleaciones inoxidables |
AWS A 5.4 : E 309-26 |
EN ISO 3581: E 23.12 R 160 23 X |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
NF A 81-343: EZ 23.12 R 160 23 X AWS A 5.4 : E 309-26 BS 2926: 23.12 RMP EN ISO 3581: E 23.12 R 160 23 X DIN 8556: E 23.12 MPR 23 160
Stainless electrode with high efficiency
Synthetic electrode with high recovery (160%), rutile-basic coating with a 24%Cr-13%Ni stainless steel type deposit.
Used when a high efficiency is desired. For buffer layers before hardfacing and dissimilar joints (stainless steels to ordinary steel).
Stainless steels :
NF A 35-578 : Z 15 CN 24.13
ASTM/AlSi : 304, 347, 309
DIN 17175 : X 12 CrNi 22.12.
Werkstoff Nr : 1.4828, 1.4311, 1.4712, 1.4742.
UGINE :NS 24, R 27.
+All mild steelsand low alloyed steels in combination with stainless steels.
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Aceros para herramientas Recargue |
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_pour_outillage | Aceros para herramientas
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
EN 14700: T Fe3
Cored wire - Hardfacing
• Tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing
• Martensitic alloy used in applications where greater hardness of the weld metal is required up to 500°C
• Outstanding resistance to low stress abrasion with heavy impact and high compressive stresses
• FCW W G is used for surfacing parts subjected to heavy compressive stresses and moderate abrasion or metal-to-metal wear, combined with mechanical and thermal shocks.
• Pre-heat is an essential requirement to prevent hot cracking. The level of preheat is a function of the size and geometry of the component to be hardfaced and its chemical composition. Large build-ups are recommended to be stress-relieved. Avoidexcessive build up thickness (use FCW WLC for rebuilding and FCW W for the cap layer)
Examples Refurbishing of steel mill rolls, crane wheels, hot work extrusion mandrels, crushing hammers, shear knives, pulleys, and winches
Phosbraz M60
Aleaciones de cobre-fósforo |
EN ISO 17672: CuP 179 |
cat=alliages_cuivre-phosphore | Aleaciones de cobre-fósforo
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=nue | Desnudo
cat=brasures | Soldadura fuerte
cat=product | Products
cat=brasures | Soldadura fuerte
EN ISO 17672: CuP 179 DIN 8513: L-Cu P6
Manual brazing: CuP Special Pitting
Alloy with a controlled fluidity, specially made for strong brazing of pitting, pipes and fit up, with large joint gaps.
Its low phosphorus content makes it relatively sluggish. Alloy with self-fluxing properties when joining copper to copper.
It can be used on cuprous alloys (bronze, brass) with our Phosbraz flux.
Rods of Ø 1,5 - 2 - 2,5 - 3 mm, standard length 500 mm. Other dimensions on request. Also available in wire.
Abratig Co6
Recargue |
AWS A5.21: ERCoCr-A |
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=tig | TIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.21: ERCoCr-A EN 14700: S Co2 DIN 8555: WSG-20-GO-40-CTZ
Filler metal cobalt based Stellite Grade 6 kind used for hardfacing of parts subjects to wear or not combined: abrasion and pressure, corrosion of 500°C to 800°C. Retains its hardness up to 600°C.
Abramang S
Recargue Lucha contra la abrasión |
AWS A5.13: ~ EFeMn-A |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=anti_abrasion | Lucha contra la abrasión
DIN 8555: E7-UM-250-KP AWS A5.13: ~ EFeMn-A
Electrode highly resistant to impact
Rutile-basic heavy coated electrode (efficiency ~ 120%), destined to surface all pieces subject to high impact. Sometimes used, instead of selectarc 18/8Mn, for 13% Mn-steel assembling (Hadfield steels). Frequently used as cushion layer before hardfacing in case of heavy reclaiming. Allows to build up and then to apply abrasion resistant final layers, 1 or 2, using HBA or HB63. The deposit is austenitic and is exceptionally resistant to impact and wear combined with impact. The addition of Ni and Cr increases the resistance against cracks and abrasion.
General applications: Repairing of used pieces or preventive protection of new pieces used in railway applications ( rails, switches, crossings, tongues) in quarries and mines (crusher jaws, excavator and grab teeth, mill hammers, rock crusher).
Austenitic steels with high Mn:
DIN 17145 et 17155 : X110Mn14
AFNOR : Z120M12
HF 300B
Recargue |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
DIN 8555: E1-UM-300-P
Semi-hard machinable surfacing electrode
Basic coated electrode semi-hard, machinable and tough with approx. 120% recovery for surfacing on equipment parts and tools. Resisting to medium friction and compression - highly resistant to shocks - dense deposit and free of cracks. Soft fusion - low spatters - self releasing slag - nice aspect of the beads.
General applications: For heavy build up and as cushion layer on forging die cavities, mandrels, gear teeth, chains, sprockets, punches, blades, drawing dies.
HF 400S
Recargue |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
DIN 8555: E1-UM-400
Surfacing electrode
Rutile coated electrode for surfacing of machine and construction parts, as well as of tools made of low-alloyed and cast steels which are mainly stressed by pressure and shock. Electrodes are easy to weld even on small welding equipment with low open arc voltage. Soft flow, almost no spatters, self releasing slag, nice aspect of the weld beads. Sound, crack free deposit, machinable with carbide cutting tools.
General applications: Surfacing of rollers, gear teeth, stamps, hammers, guide rails etc.
FCW S 309H
Aleaciones inoxidables |
AWS A 5.22: E309T0-4 - E309T0-1 |
EN ISO 17633-A:: T 22 12 H R M 3 - T 22 12 H R C 3 EN ISO 17633-B: TS309-FB0 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.22: E309T0-4 - E309T0-1 EN ISO 17633-A:: T 22 12 H R M 3 - T 22 12 H R C 3 ASME IX Qualification: QW432 F-N° 6 / QW442 A-N° 8 EN ISO 17633-B: TS309-FB0
• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded metal arc welding
• 24% chromium - 13% nickel - high carbon deposit
• Exceptional resistance to moisture pick up
• Attractive bead appearance, automatic slag release, very good penetration and high productivity
• Excellent X-ray soundness
• Maximum performances in the horizontal and downhand positions
• Can be used out of position
• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2
FCW S 309H is suitable for welding similar heat resisting alloys in wrought or cast form, for welding dissimilar metals or for joining steels which are difficult to weld, such as ferritic and martensitic 13% Cr steels.
Aleaciones inoxidables Recargue |
AWS A5.9: ER 420 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=rechargement | Recargue
AWS A5.9: ER 420
Stainless steel welding wire
Fil de soudage MIG pour le rechargement sous protection gazeuse de type aciers inoxydables à 13% de chrome élaborés pour résister à la corrosion atmosphérique, d'eau et vapeur.
Abrafil 317
Aceros tenaces a frio Aleaciones inoxidables |
EN ISO 12072: 19 13 4 L |
cat=aciers_tenace_a_froid | Aceros tenaces a frio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=up | UP
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=mig | MIG
DIN 8556 : SG - X2 CrNiMnMoN 20 16 EN ISO 12072: 19 13 4 L
Filler metal 3,6% Mo bearing used for welding stainless steels type Cr-Ni-Mo. Better resistance to crevice and pitting corrosion than the 316.
Main applications:
Chemical and petrochemical industries, in refineries, in the food industries and for ship building to weld pipes, tanks...
W - Nr.
316 L
X2 CrNiMo 17 13 2
316 L
X2 CrNiMo 18 14 3
316 LN
X2 CrNiMo 17 12 2
Abranel 625
Aleaciones de níquel |
AWS A5.11: E NiCrMo-3 |
EN ISO 14172 : E-Ni6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
AWS A5.11: E NiCrMo-3 UNS: W86112 EN ISO 14172 : E-Ni6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb)
Nickel base electrode highly corrosion resistant
Basic coated electrode with an alloyed core wire for welding of Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum alloys to themselves and to lower alloyed steels as well as for welding of special austenitic stainless steels. Good weldability in all positions, except vertical down; stable arc, medium slag removal, regular weld beads. Due to its composition the weld metal is highly resistant to corrosion and presents a high yield and a high tensile strength.
Main applications: Welding of Off-shore components, boilers, vessels, piping systems in the chemical and petrochemical industries as well as components of flue gas desulfurizing plants.
Note:”Inconel625” is a registered trade name of Inco Alloys.
Material N°
X1NiCrMoCuN25 20 5
X1NiCrMoCuN25 20 6
FCW M 71Cu
Aceros desgastados |
AWS A 5.28: E70C-G H4 |
EN ISO 17632-A: T 46 A Z M M 1 H5 |
cat=aciers_patinable | Aceros desgastados
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=avec_gaz | Con Núcleo de Fundente (FCAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
AWS A 5.28: E70C-G H4 EN ISO 17632-A: T 46 A Z M M 1 H5
• Seamless copper coated metal cored wire for semi-automatic gas shielded metal arc welding
• Cr-Ni-Cu alloyed
• Single and multipass welding of weathering steels
• HDM guaranteed < 4 ml/ 100g deposited metal on the whole parameter box
• No moisture pick up, excellent wire feeding properties, good weldability and low spatter
Weathering steels S235J0W, S235J2W, S355J2G1W
COR-TEN A, COR-TEN B, Patinax 37 etc
Abranel 70/30
Aleaciones de cuproníquel Recargue Aleaciones de níquel |
AWS A5.11: E NiCu-7 |
EN ISO 14172 : E-Ni4060 NiCu30Mn3Ti |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_cupro_nickel | Aleaciones de cuproníquel
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
AWS A5.11: E NiCu-7 UNS: W84190 Werkstoff Nr.: 2.4366 EN ISO 14172 : E-Ni4060 NiCu30Mn3Ti
Basic coated NiCu type electrode
Basic coated electrode with a Monel* type Nickel-Copper deposit designated for butt welding and surfacing of Nickel-copper, Copper-Nickel and Copper-Nickel plated steels. Also recommended for dissimilar joining like steels to Nickel-Copper or steel to Copper / Copper-Nickel.
Excellent resistance to stress corrosion in Cl- containing environments.
Main applications: Construction of equipment for the chemical industry and petrochemical industry, naval constructions and installations for sea water desalination.
Note:”Monel” is a registered trade name of Inco Alloys.
Material N°
BF 4.2
cat=flux | Fundentes
cat=product | Products
EN 760: SA AB 1 66 AC H5
Agglomerated Welding Flux
A semi-basic flux suitable for the multi-run and two-run technique using single or multi-wire processes up to 5 wires. The flux exhibits good weldability characteristics over a wide range of welding parameters and is characterized by a low consumption rate.
Excellent slag release and good weld bead performance providing flat welds with low reinforcement are additional features of the flux.
Uniform mechanical properties are obtained in the weld deposits as a result of the constant metallurgical behaviour of the flux and low hydrogen levels. High toughness values down to -20°C and low hardness levels are also achieved in two-run welds.
Abratig AlMg4,5MN
Aleaciones de magnesio Aleaciones de aluminio |
AWS A5.10: ER 5183 |
EN ISO 18273: AlMg4,5Mn0,7(A) |
cat=alliages_de_magnesium | Aleaciones de magnesio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=alliages_d_aluminium | Aleaciones de aluminio
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=tig | TIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.10: ER 5183 DIN 1732: SG-AlMg4,5Mn EN ISO 18273: AlMg4,5Mn0,7(A) W. Nr.: 3.3548
Fil TIG en aluminium
Joining of Al-Mg-alloys and aluminium-cast alloys.
MetalTec 2300SS
cat=resine_epoxydique | Resina epoxídica
cat=product | Products
Sprayable "thin-film" single component urethane coating
MetalTec 2300SS is a high performance "thin-film" single component urethane coating. It has been enriched with stainless steel and other proprietary materials for increased structural support, coating durability and chemical resistance. Being a urethane, Metaltec 2300SS possesses excellent resiliency, toughness and flexibility. It offers excellent protection for surfaces exposed to severe weathering environments, moderate abrasion and corrosion from splash, spill and fuming chemicals.
Metaltec 2300SS is an unusual coating. First, it may be applied at temperatures as low as 28OF/ -2OC). Second, it possesses excellent penetrating and wetting properties that allows it to form a tenacious bond to power tool cleaned, rusted carbon steel surfaces when abrasive blasting is not possible. Third, it is fast drying and can be recoated within an hour or two.
USDA accepted for incidental food contact
HF 560HT
Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas Recargue Lucha contra la abrasión Mantenimiento y reparación |
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_resistant_a_haute_temperature | Aceros resistentes a altas temperaturas
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=anti_abrasion | Lucha contra la abrasión
cat=maintenance_et_reparation | Mantenimiento y reparación
DIN 8555: E3-UM-55-ST
Basic coated electrode for hot working tools
The weld deposit distinguishes itself by its high hardness, toughness and heat resistance. Therefore the electrode is used for overlay and builds up of machinery parts and tools subject to impact, compression and wear used at operating temperatures up to 550°C.
General applications: For building up hammers, dies, swages, hot shear blades, rollers, extrusion press pistons, valves, etc...
High strength carbon steels and hot working steels:
Material N°
DIN classification
40CrMnMo 7
X38CrMoV 5 1
X40CrMoV 5 1
X32CrMoV 3 3
X38CrMoV 5 3
X37CrMoW 5 1
55NiCrMoV 6
56NiCrMoV 7
Abrafil Al995
Aleaciones de aluminio |
AWS A5.10: ~ ER1100 |
EN ISO 18273: S Al 1070 (Al99.7) |
cat=alliages_d_aluminium | Aleaciones de aluminio
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=mig | MIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
AWS A5.10: ~ ER1100 EN ISO 18273: S Al 1070 (Al99.7)
Filler metal used for welding pure aluminium.
Applications: Food industry, boiler, cover, chemical industry
Abratig 600
Aleaciones ferrítico y martensítico Recargue |
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=alliages_ferritiques_et_martensitiques | Aleaciones ferrítico y martensítico
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=rechargement | Recargue
cat=tig | TIG
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
DIN 8555: MSG 6 GZ-60 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4718
Solid wire designed for impact- and stroke-resistant hardfacing. Filler deposit is free of cracks, hard, impact- and abrasion- resistant. In case of hard-to-weld materials preheating or undercoat (buffer layer) is recommended.
Can be used for: crusher wheels, loader buckets parts and a final layer of manganese steels hardfacing.
Structure: martensitic
Abratig 625
Aleaciones de níquel Aceros de baja aleación Acero sin alear |
AWS A5.14: ER NiCrMo–3 |
cat=up | UP
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=product | Products
cat=fils_massifs | Hilos
cat=alliages_de_nickel | Aleaciones de níquel
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=aciers_faiblement_allie | Aceros de baja aleación
cat=tig | TIG
cat=aciers_non_allies | Acero sin alear
AWS A5.14: ER NiCrMo–3 DIN1736: SG–NiCr–21 Mo 9 Nb EN 18274: S-NiCr22Mo9Nb Ni6625 Werkstoff Nr.: 2.4831
Filler metal used is suitable for joining nickelchromiummolybdenum nickel alloys and chromiumnickelmolybdenum steels with very high corrosion resistance, such as Sandvik 254 SMO* , Sanicro 63 and corresponding grades. Good resistance to various types of corrosion.
Applications: Cryogenics (9% Ni steels), device under oxidizing or corrosive attacks, aeronautics.
W. - Nr.
X10 NiCrAITi32 20
* 254 SMO is a trademark owned by Outokumpu OY.
CSS 312S
Aleaciones inoxidables Recargue |
AWS A 5.4: ~ E 312-26 |
EN ISO 3581-A: E Z 26 9 R 7 3 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=rechargement | Recargue
EN ISO 3581-A: E Z 26 9 R 7 3 AWS A 5.4: ~ E 312-26
Synthetic electrode for difficult to weld steels
Synthetic electrode with high recovery (160%). With a rutile coating, for overlaying and welding high strength steels with each other and with stainless steels. Also recommended for buffer layers before hardfacing and to weld galvanised steels.
Highly resistant against cracks. Offers soft fusion, very little spatters, self releasing slag.
Low alloyed steels, carbon steels, galvanised steels, high strength steels.
Stainless steels
Tools steels
Austenitic steels with Mn
Screening steels
Spring steels
Armatures and wire lattice for reinforced concrete
FCW Sub 22 9 3 LS
Aleaciones inoxidables Enchapado Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex |
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: EC2209 |
EN ISO 17633-A: T 22 9 3 N L M NO 3 EN ISO 17633-B: TS2209-M NO 0 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=placage | Enchapado
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_duplex_et_super_duplex | Aceros Dúplex y Súper Dúplex
cat=sous_flux | Arco Sumergido (SAW)
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22: EC2209 Werkstoff Nr.: 1.4462 EN ISO 17633-A: T 22 9 3 N L M NO 3 EN ISO 17633-B: TS2209-M NO 0 UNS Number: S39209
Cored duplex stainless steel wire for submerged arc welding
Cored duplex stainless steel wire for submerged arc welding
22% chromium - 9% nickel - 3% molybdenum - low carbon - nitrogen bearing weld metal
Attractive bead appearance without residual slag, outstanding slag release even in narrow gaps
High productivity and enhanced wetting properties compared to matching solid wires
Mineral additions to the core improve both mechanical characteristics and hot cracking resistance
Excellent X-ray soundness
Welds well with submerged arc flux(please consult us)
Welding wrought, forged or cast duplex stainless steels
Duplex stainless steel cladding or weld overlay
Heterogeneous welding between duplex stainless steels and other stainless steels, CMn steels or low alloyed steels
Material number
EN Symbol
1. 4462
X2CrNiMoN 22-5-3
1. 4362
X2CrNiN 23 4
1. 4162
X2CrMnNiN 22-5-2
BF 25
cat=flux | Fundentes
cat=product | Products
EN 760: SA AF 2 AC
Agglomerated Welding Flux
Versatile flux for joint welding and surfacing with appropriate solid or flux-cored wire electrodes of stainless CrNi(Mo)-types, mainly austenitic- and DUPLEX-qualities, or Ni-base-alloys. Based on the selected raw-materials the weld deposits achieved with the flux BF 25 are neutral with respect to Mn, Si and other alloying elements such as Cr and Ni. The flux is suitable for SAW of butt and fillet welds, mainly fin-to-tube wall fillet welds, with single and multiple wire processes (for example TWIN-ARC). Smooth weld bead appearance with flat weld interfaces and self deslagging without slag residuals, are other special features of BF 25. Uniform mechanical and chemical property performance make BF 25 flux suitable for many SAW-applications in the stainless and heat-resistant steel fabrication.
Abracrom 904
Aleaciones inoxidables Aceros austeníticos |
AWS A 5.4: E 385-16 |
EN ISO 3581-A: E 20 25 5 Cu N L R 1 2 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
cat=aciers_austenitique | Aceros austeníticos
AWS A 5.4: E 385-16 DIN 8556: E 20.25 5 LCuR26 EN ISO 3581-A: E 20 25 5 Cu N L R 1 2
Stainless electrode highly corrosion resistant
Rutile-basic coated electrode for welding fully austenitic highly corrosion resistant stainless steels as 904L, B6. Good weldability in all positions, except vertical down, stable arc, good slag removal, regular finely rippled weld beads. Due to its alloy composition, high Mo-content and Cu, the weld metal is suited against attacks by phosphoric- and sulfuric acids, it shows a high resistance against pitting and stress corrosion in chloride containing media. It is used at operation temperatures up to 400°C.
Main applications:
Pulp and paper industry, transport containers, installations of the chemical industry.
Material N°
317 L
X2CrNiMo 18-15-4
317 LNM
X2CrNiMoN 17-13-5
G-X7NiCrMoCuNb 25-20
X5CrNiMoCuTi 20-18
X1NiCrMoCu 25-20-5
Abracut SP
cat=electrodes_enrobees | Electrodos cubiertos
cat=product | Products
Cutting electrode
Electrode for cutting and piercing of all industrial metals and alloys including stainless steels, cast iron and Cu alloys. Strong blowing characteristic to remove metal with high efficiency. Smooth and uniform cut.
The surface will be carbureted, remove 0,1mm by grinding if necessary.
Piercing of holes, elimination of screws, …
FCW Sub 312
Aleaciones inoxidables |
ASME IIC SFA 5.9 / AWS A 5.9: EC312 |
EN ISO 17633-A: T 29 9 M M 1 |
cat=alliages_inoxydables | Aleaciones inoxidables
cat=alloy | Aleaciones
cat=fils_fourres | Hilos rellenos
cat=product | Products
ASME IIC SFA 5.9 / AWS A 5.9: EC312 EN ISO 17633-A: T 29 9 M M 1
Metal cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
•Metal cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding
•29% chromium - 9% nickel deposit
•Enhanced productivity, improved weldability, better wetting properties compared to solid wires
•Excellent weld metal quality and X-ray soundness
Its high alloy content and high ferrite ratio allow FCW Sub 312 to benefit from extreme tolerance to hot cracking and to dilution with a wide range of base materials. Preheat can often be avoided or minimised. The weld deposit workhardens and gives good wear and friction resistance.
•Welding stainless steels of similar composition or ferritic stainless steels.
•Joining stainless steels to mild and low-alloyed steels.
•Buffer layers before hardsurfacing.
•Maintenance on « hard-to-weld steels ».
•Welding high carbon hardenable steels, of known or unknown composition and generally most of steels subject to cracking such as tool steels, manganese steels |